Ukraine Russia, the latest news today June 21st on Putin’s war. LIVE

Ukraine Russia, the latest news today June 21st on Putin’s war. LIVE
Ukraine Russia, the latest news today June 21st on Putin’s war. LIVE

Russia is evaluating a possible “lowering of the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons”, the Russian president however excludes the possibility of envisaging a preventive attack, because with a simple retaliation “the enemy would be destroyed”. The Biden administration has decided to give priority to Ukraine for the delivery of Patriot air defense missiles, temporarily suspending deliveries to other countries

Russia is considering possible changes to its nuclear doctrine, taking into account that potential adversaries “are working on this” with a possible “lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons”.n

President Vladimir Putin said this, excluding however the possibility of envisaging a preventive attack, because with a simple retaliation “the enemy would be destroyed”. The current Russian nuclear doctrine provides that atomic weapons can only be used if the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are threatened.


The Biden administration has decided to prioritize Ukraine for the delivery of Patriot air defense missiles, temporarily suspending deliveries to other countries. This was announced by White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.




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“,”postId”:”0033beb0-56d0-44d4-a285-fa7152221b18″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-06-21T05:23:26.342Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-21T07:23:26+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, abbattuti 114 droni lanciati da Kiev nella notte”,”content”:”

Le forze armate russe hanno abbattuto nella notte 114 droni lanciati della forze armate ucraine e distrutto sei imbarcazioni senza pilota. Lo ha reso noto il ministero della Difesa russo citato dall’agenzia di stampa Ria Novosti. Nel dettaglio, i sistemi di difesa aerea russa hanno abbattuto 70 droni sulla Crimea e sul Mar Nero, altri 43 sul territorio di Krasnodar e uno sulla regione di Volgograd, secondo quanto ha spiegato il ministero. “La scorsa notte è stato fermato il tentativo del regime di Kiev di effettuare un attacco terroristico utilizzando imbarcazioni senza pilota e velivoli senza pilota contro obiettivi sul territorio della Federazione Russa”, si legge nella nota

“,”postId”:”e07394dc-8738-4f3d-bb29-549db92f452e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-21T04:29:51.924Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-21T06:29:51+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca schiera per la prima volta il sistema Prometheus: ecco cos’è”,”content”:”

I russi schierano il loro unico sistema di difesa aereo in Crimea, la penisola ucraina occupata e annessa nel 2014. Si tratta dell’S-500, più conosciuto come Prometheus, e promette di intercettare i missili balistici e altre armi a distanza. Non era mai stato utilizzato in battaglia fino ad ora.



“,”postId”:”4331cdf5-d87b-4ca7-8717-2f49150aea6b”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-21T04:28:43.859Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-21T06:28:43+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Ucraina Russia, Putin rimuove quattro viceministri della Difesa”,”content”:”

Il presidente russo ha nominato sua cugina, Anna Tsivileva, per  coprire uno dei posti vacanti. Il summit di pace in Svizzera si conclude  riaffermando la necessità di difendere i principi di “sovranità,  indipendenza e integrità territoriale di tutti gli Stati” e mettendo  nero su bianco che “il dialogo tra tutte le parti è necessario per porre  fine alla guerra” LEGGI

“,”postId”:”8c86bb17-e117-4d86-b90b-764c35cc39d7″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”:”LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”,”liveblogId”:”9541881b-3d1b-4844-85a4-652af71760b3″,”tenant”:”tg24″,”page”:1, “limit”:20}’ iswebview=false >

Russia is considering possible changes to its nuclear doctrine, taking into account that potential adversaries “are working on this” with a possible “lowering of the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons”.

President Vladimir Putin said this, excluding however the possibility of envisaging a preventive attack, because with a simple retaliation “the enemy would be destroyed”. The current Russian nuclear doctrine provides that atomic weapons can only be used if the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are threatened.

The Biden administration has decided to prioritize Ukraine for the delivery of Patriot air defense missiles, temporarily suspending deliveries to other countries. This was announced by White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.


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