Fraud and money laundering, social entrepreneur Ivan Szydlik arrested – News

Fraud and money laundering, social entrepreneur Ivan Szydlik arrested – News
Fraud and money laundering, social entrepreneur Ivan Szydlik arrested – News

Ivan Errichiello, the entrepreneur known on social media as Ivan Szydlik (from his ex-partner’s surname) for the resale of luxury watches, was arrested at dawn today by the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza of Verbania, in Milan.
According to the Milanese prosecutor’s office – the investigations are coordinated by prosecutor Carlo Scalas – Errichiello, together with his right-hand man Davide Lo Monaco, committed aggravated fraud, self-laundering and financial abuse. The illicit proceeds from their activity would exceed one million euros. The investigating judge of Milan Alessandra Di Fazio ordered the precautionary measure of custody in prison against the two, deeming that there was “an intense danger of recurrence and the danger of escape”. Errichiello is located in San Vittore, Lo Monaco in the Verbania prison.
The proceedings against the two arose from investigations by the economic-financial police unit of the Financial Police of Verbania, following some reports of suspicious transactions relating to money laundering and crimes against property. According to the yellow flames, through some aggravated scams Errichiello managed to accumulate huge financial resources which allowed him to show off, even on social networks – where he is followed by 558 thousand followers – a very high standard of living. With part of this money, he would have set up fictitious companies, of which he would have sold shares to unsuspecting investors, thus managing to find further financial availability.
Errichiello – we read in the order – “with the complicity of Lo Monaco, starting from 2019 was responsible for multiple crimes, both demonstrating particular unscrupulousness in transferring the huge profits acquired abroad”.
According to what was reconstructed by the investigators, as well as in Italy the illicit activities were also carried out in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Serbia, Belgium, Germany and England. Errichiello, it emerged from the investigations, also set up a company and created a cryptocurrency ‘token’, starting an abusive activity of offering financial products to the public, through the promotion and remote placement of virtual currency.
According to the investigating judge, Errichiello, who has a precedent for fraudulent bankruptcy, and Lo Monaco, who has a precedent for fraud, “demonstrated criminal obstinacy” and a “high professionalism in crime and the ability to broaden the scope of their business, passing in a short time time since committing the first scam […] to the creation of ad hoc companies” through which “to eliminate traces of illicitly acquired money”.

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