a story that began in 1974 in Udine in which they have always been at the forefront of volunteering

The Alpine section of Forlì is ready to celebrate fifty years of its re-foundation, a story that began in 1974 in Udine. It was precisely from the Friulian city that the new Forlì adventure began that he has seen in fifty yearsconstant and continuous help from the association in every city event, especially those related to volunteering.

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“Forlì has always been a point of reference for the Alpine troops and in fact there was national recruitment in the city – states the Alpine soldier Enrico Panzavolta, one of the historical memories of the Forlì group – but in 1972 there was a sort of internal fraying and the group disbanded. So we started to recreate it, trying to reform it with people who wanted to sign up and still be part of it. The foundations were thus laid and in 1974 at the meeting in Udine we were officially born. Now we are proud to celebrate 50 years of the refoundation.”

The first Group Leader was Pio Zavatti, a historic figure who made the Forlì association grow. “Pio was decisive. He was a great person who put his heart and soul into the Alpine troops and was a friend to everyone. Thanks to his knowledge, important friendships were born which allowed us to organize initiatives that involved more and more people and in this way the number of members also increased.”

“Another fundamental person was Vanni Tartagni, another Group Leader who created days with schools in which many children took part, but above all I remember the ‘Dmenga con gli Alpen’ event which we organized at Villa Prati and which attracted many people. Furthermore, he was the creator of the Alpine trail which entered the CAI and which was inaugurated not long ago. Then obviously I cannot fail to remember Guerrino Maretti, who left us two years ago, very good at following that path, always keeping his spirit high. passion and the desire to put ourselves at the service of people”.

The list of charitable initiatives that the Alpine troops have carried out over fifty years and which they are still maintaining is truly long. “Many years ago we bought ten German shepherds and gave them to some blind people and we managed to find the funds to have a little girl treated in Philadelphia where she went with her family. We also built a kindergarten in Bangladesh, gave aid to Burkina Faso and during the earthquake in Emilia we sent a field kitchen and material to set up two basketball courts. During the flood our headquarters in the Quarry was hit, but we left it in the mud for a few days to give priority to the many people in difficulty by wanting to help them first. This is the spirit that has always characterized us and we are happy that people appreciate it.”

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