Gabriele Palomba elected new president of the Alternativa per Anzio association

Gabriele Palomba

The association Alternative for Anzio has a new president: it’s about Gabriele Palomba, former member of the board and founding member of the association who competed with his own list in the 2018 administrative elections by electing a municipal councilor. Palomba replaces Simonetta Pagliaricci who leaves office to encourage a natural turnover and above all to demonstrate once again that Apa it is a choral reality with women and men of value within it. “To Simonetta – the note from the association – I would like to extend my warmest thanks for the work carried out and for the great commitment made in recent years by all of Alternativa per Anzio”. The new president was elected during the last assembly. The new management of Alternative for Anzio will instead be composed of Simonetta Pagliaricci, Valentina Caprari, Tiziana D’Alfonso, Stefania Salvucci, Alessandro Dino And Luca Brignone.

“In these years – explains Alternative for Anzio in a note – we have in fact kept faith with the initial commitment, characterizing ourselves as one of the most vital and active realities of the city’s political panorama, doing politics inside and outside the institutions. Building an alternative to the power system that led the city to suffer the dissolution of the city council due to mafia infiltration was and is the main objective. Organize a new, plural and changing political proposal, of which Alternative for Anzio can represent the fulcrum. For this reason we want to continue to dialogue, as we have done in recent months, with those who want a different and better Anzio, with the associations, with the committees, with the other opposition political forces, but above all with the many citizens and the many citizens dissatisfied with the present reality and who have distanced themselves from political life”.

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