Lorenzo, maturing in record time with a horn in his heart

Lorenzo, maturing in record time with a horn in his heart
Lorenzo, maturing in record time with a horn in his heart

Dream of becoming the first horn of the orchestra at the Teatro La Scala in Milan or the Fenice in Venice. Dreams, of course. But also concreteness, a lot of commitment and daily sacrifice to give rise to his ambitions. Lorenzo Napoli, just 18 years old completed in June, is taking his record-breaking final exams. Enrolled in the fourth B class of the music section at the Alfano I high school in Salernopassed directly to the final exam on merit without facing the last year of high school. A time jump provided for by law, precisely by article 13 paragraph 4 of legislative decree 62 of 2017, supported by the remarkable profit of the young high school graduate from Salerno. “It all started as a bet with my parents and I seized it on the fly – says Lorenzo – the jump directly to the final exam was like a spark in my school career”. Lorenzo had all the numbers to take the final exam as an early starter: he had an average of eight and a half in all subjects and a great desire to amaze. Supported by mother, Carmela Scarpitta, and father, Vincenzo Napoli, he began to study twice as hard, he worked hard to reach the level of preparation of his older classmates. “I have always felt more mature than the kids my age – confesses Lorenzo – the teachers of my class council and the principal Barone supported me in this ambitious step”. And so, on July 13, he will sit in front of the commission to face the oral interview. But the future could open up even more lush horizons for him. For the record-breaking graduate of Alfano I, everything had a precise meaning. “I made this leap because I have goals that I want to achieve with all of myself – he says – I need time and hours of study at the Conservatory to perfect my knowledge and mastery of my favorite instrument, the horn. Studying just three hours in the afternoon was no longer enough for me, I needed more time to perfect myself”. He looks ahead. He doesn’t stop. He is determined to amaze. He wants to go very far. “It’s a tough path dotted with study and sacrifices”, admits the 18-year-old graduate. After the exam he will dive into his “crazy and desperate” study and practice to be ready for the big leap in his life: a musical career in the greatest orchestras in Italy. «I dream of arriving at La Scala in Milan, La Fenice in Venice, and why not, even at Berlin – he says – I want to become the first horn player.”

And all of Alfano I is ideally ready to support him. His story is the emblem of how the school system can best enhance his talents. “Lorenzo has always been a tenacious and determined student, since the early years he has shown a visceral passion for music – says the principal of the Alfano I high school, Elisabetta Barone – in particular for his favorite instrument, the horn. He was able to cultivate his dream of entering the Conservatory to specialize in his instrument. His admission to the high school diploma on merit represents an important step towards the realization of this dream”.


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