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Transfer market, Benevento is focusing everything on attack

With the confirmation of technical guide, Benevento can now dedicate itself body and soul to planning the next championship. The ideas are very clear, the objective is to raise the bar because the 2024/25 tournament promises to be even more competitive than the one just concluded, with the Catania ready to relaunch itself and spend significant sums, Avellino intending to try again, newly promoted Trapani aiming for the double leap. Anticipating the times will be fundamental: the company knows this and is already operational on the market, president Vigorito has given his approval to the first incoming operations. These could also include the permanence of Beloved Ciciretti, expressly requested by Auteri and on which Carli also expressed an overall positive assessment.

It will be given to the offensive department, which is where the greatest critical issues were recorded last year. Three attackers should arrive, each with different characteristics (a left-footed right winger, a right-footed left winger and a centre-forward), because we also start from those who have stood out (Lanini), from the assets to be valorised (Perlingieri), from those who relaunched and thanks to Benevento he has returned to feeling like a footballer (Ciciretti) and as someone who deserves another chance for the potential he is able to express (Starita). There will be time to reinforce the other departments. A reflection was also started on the game system: Auteri’s intention is to continue in continuity, yes, but with the last playoff match, i.e. from that 4-3-3 with which Benevento impressed against Carrarese. Among other things, there are players in the squad who are more functional in the 4-3-3 (the formation for which the squad was built when Andreoletti arrived) than in the 3-4-3. And this means that to continue with the 3-4-3 it would be necessary to insert at least 8-9 players, while for the setup with the four-man defense 6 could be enough. For Auteri it will not be a problem at all, given that the concepts to be developed remain more or less the same, and then this would allow the coach to exploit a three-man midfield with elements already tested and used to playing together (Pinato-Talia-Nardi), return Simonetti to his natural role (that of midfielder and he can be a excellent replacement), perhaps understand who among all the other midfielders in the squad can be part of the group (Alfieri is in pole position, but they could also be evaluated Acampora, Koutsoupias, PriscusViviani, Agazzi, Karic and Kubica seem further back in the hierarchies).

The choice to opt for the 4-3-3 also effectively excludes a possible renewal proposal for Improta, who is not comfortable as a full-back. Auteri and Carli have prepared a list of players to be confirmed as well as a list of potential reinforcements in the various departments. No crazy expenses or pharaonic contracts, but only targeted grafts, adapted to the context and hungry. Category footballers, capable of making a difference in Serie C, with an eye also on Serie B.

In the meantime, the location of the retreat has been set: needless to say, we will return to the “Mancini Park Hotel” from Monday 15th July, the first appointment in the city for medical visits is scheduled for 9th July. In stages, during that first week, the summons will arrive for all the Giallorossi who will be taken to training camp. Significantly earlier than last year also because August 10th Benevento will already have to take to the field for the first qualifying round of the Italian Cup. Finally, yesterday morning Carli and Auteri met the players (who also expected to see the president, who however wasn’t there) and the staff at the “Imbriani”. The technical director informed them that they will have to remain at the club’s disposal until Friday (the breaking of lines only starting from the afternoon of June 14th), meeting every morning at the Antistadio “to start laying the foundations for the new season”. Anyone who wants to train is free to do so.


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