“The lawsuit doesn’t scare me. I’m not afraid to say the truth”

“The lawsuit doesn’t scare me. I’m not afraid to say the truth”
“The lawsuit doesn’t scare me. I’m not afraid to say the truth”

ALESSANDRIA – The announced complaint by the CEO of the Amag Group, Emanuele Ravadoes not scare the group leader of Brothers of Italy in the City Council, Emanuele Locci, on the contrary. The reply from the top of the Alessandria multiutility company gave the opposition representative “the charge to move forward with even more determination”he explained. Locci is firm in reiterating “concerns and perplexities” on the relationship between Amag and the MoveOn agency: “My words are based on objective data”he says with a calm but firm voice.

The Brothers of Italy councilor’s sights remain on the MoveOn consultants’ report in which 100 redundancies were feared in the company: “I had asked about that report several times and they had answered me that it didn’t exist but then it was delivered to me anonymously.“. The 100 redundancies in the company were “denied” by the CEO of the Amag Group which also resized the document to a simple “bulb“, which would therefore never have dictated the company’s line of action: “The report may have been a draft but it was there, it was written and it was delivered to the board of directors” reiterates Locci.

The group leader of Fratelli d’Italia had also “asked for an account” of the rContributions with MoveOngiving “political voice“, he explained, to “complaints” of some employees on attitudes defined by Locci “more like masters than consultants” and for the councilor a signal of the company’s entry into Amag: “Which is what actually happened, given that the president of MoveOn is the only candidate for the presidency of Amag“.

Locci sees the appointment of the new president as a sign of a path that aims to open the doors of Amag to private individuals: “The address act approved by the City Council is worrying. Despite the negative opinion of the Board, we managed to get the amendment approved to safeguard employment levels, but many others were rejected, including the one aimed at shielding the use of redundancy payments“. Locci “glimpses” in that act “the administration’s disengagement towards Amag“: “And it is in this light that I also read the appointment of the new president, a woman who has worked for many years for Iren and for important companies and who seems to me to be a guarantor figure for the process that sees the Municipality of Alessandria lose control of Amag in favor of new private partners”.

According to the group leader of Fratelli d’Italia, the administration would have resumed the path already taken when the current mayor Abonante was councilor for Participated Companies in the government led by the former mayor Rita Rossa: “GAt the time they had already tried to find a financial partner and it seems to me that the intention was that. The administration should have thought about managing services more efficiently, for example by putting the entire waste cycle, therefore disposal and collection, under the same umbrella as Amag, also to have clearer costs. The choice to abandon the Smart City path has put us in a weak position also with respect to the innovation process on the lighting service. The address act, instead, puts corporate dynamics at the center rather than services, which should be the priority given that in Amag they have gotten to the point of forgetting to pay the bills, thus creating problems for the water supply”.

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