Sanremo Casino, Uilcom and Ugl declare state of agitation

Sanremo Casino, Uilcom and Ugl declare state of agitation
Sanremo Casino, Uilcom and Ugl declare state of agitation

“Unable to freely exercise the right to information”, Uilcom Uil and the Ugl tertiary sector “they find themselves with a serious limitation in the exercise of their trade union activity which does not allow them to guarantee adequate protection and assistance to their members”. These are the reasons which have led the two trade unions of the category to proclaim the state of agitation of the staff of the Sanremo Casino starting from July 3rd.
As the two union secretariats explain in a joint note, requests on issues of grave relevance have already been forwarded to the company, such asand the salary and contribution treatment of past years, the training on privacy and anti-money laundering, the failure to convene the joint company commission and the safety and protection of the psycho-physical integrity of employees.

However, “these requests were not adequately responded to by the company and no scheduling of the planned meetings was communicated”.
The two unions also highlight that some contractual breaches “have been dragging on for some time and have already been communicated in the past years”, but that “these reminders have not been responded to”.

Last but not least, “considering the possible risk for the company of the emergence of significant disputes over wagesof the potential sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the training and health protection of workers, as well as the serious damage to their image that could result from this”, the two unions trust “in the total sharing of the importance of the issues” and hope for “the maximum collaboration from everyone in the immediate initiation of a dialogue on the issues in question”.
So there is still time today, July 2nd, to start this dialogue, otherwise starting tomorrow the state of agitation will start.

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