Forlì: a warehouse and an area used for uncontrolled waste storage seized. One person reported

Forlì: a warehouse and an area used for uncontrolled waste storage seized. One person reported
Forlì: a warehouse and an area used for uncontrolled waste storage seized. One person reported

In recent days, the Financiers of the Provincial Command of Forlì have seized a warehouse located in Cesena and the area adjacent to it, used for the purchase and sale of motor vehicles and related spare parts.

More specifically, the Fiamme Gialle of the Cesena Group, during a tax inspection of the aforementioned company, found, in the external area adjacent to it, dozens of black bags and accumulations of waste clearly attributable to the business operated by the relevant tenant.

Among the materials found, the Financiers – who, for the occasion, also made use of the qualified technical support of the ARPAE of Cesena – also ascertained the presence of exhausted mineral oils, pieces of cables and electrical components, various scrap metal and tyres, all considered “special” waste held in conditions that do not comply with specific regulations, given the absence of the required authorizations and the necessary containment and environmental protection systems.

Inside the warehouse, the military also found, stored in bulk, equipment and materials functional to the dismantling of vehicle parts and components, as well as pieces of internal combustion engines, air conditioning compressors and bodywork parts. of disused cars.

The Fiamme Gialle therefore proceeded to seize the entire site and report the entrepreneur who rented the property to the local Public Prosecutor’s Office of Forlì, since he had kept an uncontrolled waste deposit on the land and had consequently started a business of unauthorized management of the same waste.

The intervention carried out confirms the transversal action of the Guardia di Finanza and the constant commitment of the Corps in the widespread activity of repression and prevention of the illegal disposal of waste to protect public health, landscape heritage and the environment.

It is highlighted that due to the principle of the presumption of innocence, the guilt of the person subjected to investigation in relation to the aforementioned events will be definitively ascertained only if an irrevocable sentence of conviction occurs.

AG clearance: granted

press release Guardia di Finanza Provincial Command Forlì

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