Migrants rescued off the Libyan coast dock in Livorno

Migrants rescued off the Libyan coast dock in Livorno
Migrants rescued off the Libyan coast dock in Livorno

Last updated on 30 June 2024 by Laura Rossi

This morning, at 8.45am, the ship of Emergency Life Support has reached the port of Leghorn with 47 migrants from various African nations on board. These are 39 men, 3 women and 5 unaccompanied minors, including individuals from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Libya, Eritrea, Bangladesh, South Sudan e Sudan.

Reception and assistance to migrants

As reported by ANSAthe vessel has moored at the Calata Carrara, platform 75, in front of the maritime station. Here, on the first floor, an initial reception service managed by the civil protection has been set up. The doctors present will carry out the necessary health checks, while the immigration police will take care of identifying the migrants. Once these procedures have been completed, the migrants will be transferred to reception centers located in Piedmont.

Medical assistance and identification

The medical team responsible for health checks will ensure the health status of the migrants, guaranteeing them the necessary assistance. At the same time, the competent authorities will proceed with the identification of the subjects present on the ship, a fundamental step for the management and assistance of those who have just disembarked.

Transfer to reception centres

Once the initial reception and identity verification phases have been completed, migrants will be directed to reception centers in the region. Piedmont. These centers offer support and assistance to those who need a safe place and basic services to begin the process of integration into the new reality in which they find themselves.

The finish line of the landing at Livorno marks the beginning of a new journey for migrants rescued off the coast of Libya. Thanks to the assistance received and the services offered in the reception centres, these individuals will have the opportunity to build a new life in a context of greater security and stability.


  • In the text of the article, several significant elements are mentioned:

1. Emergency Life Support: It is an Italian non-governmental organization committed to the rescue and assistance of refugees and migrants in distress at sea. The Emergency ship is often involved in rescue operations off the coasts of Africa and the Mediterranean.
2. Livorno: Important Italian port city located in Tuscany. The port of Livorno is often one of the landing places for ships carrying migrants rescued at sea.
3. Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Libya, Eritrea, Bangladesh, South Sudan and Sudan: Countries of origin of the migrants rescued and transported to Livorno. Each nation has its own political and economic histories and situations that often push people to seek refuge elsewhere.
4. ANSA: Italian news agency, which provides real-time news on the main national and international issues.
5. Calata Carrara, dock 75: Specific point in the port of Livorno where the vessel docked, becoming the initial reception point for disembarked migrants.
6. Piedmont: Italian region to which migrants will be transferred to be hosted in reception centers. In these centers, services and support will be provided for integration and to start a new life in Italy.
Journalistic articles like this one highlight the importance of welcoming and assisting migrants, offering a perspective on the crucial steps in the reception and integration process.

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