agreement between the Municipality and Acer

agreement between the Municipality and Acer
agreement between the Municipality and Acer

Don’t call it a suburb anymore. A real slogan that materializes in the restyling and redevelopment projects of the eastern area of ​​Salerno. From Arbostella, passing through Mercatello, up to Mariconda where, from the first of August, the important urban redevelopment works will begin which will be carried out by the Municipality of Salerno in synergy and full collaboration with Acer (Campania Residential Building Agency).

About one million euros to make…a real green lung in the neighborhood flourish again but also to restore walls, benches and redo the road surface that has been in disrepair for some time now. With an “extra”: fill the empty spaces and make them public, giving them “public functions together with the Municipality”.

The project dedicated to the Mariconda neighborhood was presented yesterday at the city hall in the presence of the Democratic deputy Piero De Luca, the regional councilor Franco Picarone, the mayor of Salerno Vincenzo Napoli, the councilor for public works of the Via Roma entity Dario Loffredo and the president of Acer David Lebro. The latter also announced news regarding the presentation of the executive project of the bowling alley of Pastena, of the Petrosino district andin other areas of the city – including the historic center – where Acer in collaboration with the municipal and regional administrations will change the face of peripheral areas that are ready to apply for “centrality”. In Mariconda in particular, construction works are planned to restore walls, benches, flower beds, road paving and green works of pruning and felling trees in a state of degradation and the installation of 40 new trees, with the aim of restoring the neighborhood to its urban forest character.

«These important urban redevelopment interventions are the result of the continuous work of the municipal offices coordinated by Councillor Loffredo and Acer, of the support of Campania Region, of the work of the Honorable De Luca at a national level – the mayor underlined – with our strength, with the commitment of the various institutional levels, we continue to act to make Salerno a beautiful, clean, welcoming city in every neighborhood”. Mariconda has seen it “grow” and Piero De Luca has also been guided in this project by “affection”: “Despite the cuts of the national government, despite the projects of differentiated autonomy that are taking away oxygen, despite the failure to disburse development and cohesion funds, we continue to carry out redevelopment interventions on the territory thanks to the commitment of the Municipality and the Region – the deputy declared – Mariconda’s project is added to that of Mercatello Park which allows to give new impetus and breath to an entire neighborhood which together with the Arbostella Park it has become central and strategic.”

A compliance and redevelopment of a “very beautiful” green area. Word of David Lebro: «It is a beautiful page for Salerno. There is an open table with this administration – declared the president of Acer – we are already thinking about other neighborhoods, we will continue over time. Furthermore, we will find the possibility in Mariconda to occupy the empty spaces with public functions always together with the Municipality». The satisfaction also and above all passes for the councilor for urban planning Dario Loffredo: «One of the most important neighborhoods of the city and we are happy with the intervention, it was necessary. The work will begin in August, will only be suspended in the central part of the month, then will resume after the 25th to finish by Christmas. We are happy with the synergy with Acer, in the future there is the idea of ​​creating after the Mercatello park, another garden for children in the area. We have already identified the area».


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