“Biancoblù the priority but I won’t close the doors” – Svsport.it

“Biancoblù the priority but I won’t close the doors” – Svsport.it
“Biancoblù the priority but I won’t close the doors” – Svsport.it

Lots of market rumors around City of Savonawhich from the new season will return to being FBC soap, some confirmations have already been made official, others could arrive in the coming weeks. To draw a small balance sheet at the end of the season Eraldo Kuci who, once Di Roccia said goodbye to the banners, inherited the ranks of captain for the matches in which he took the field:

“As some of my teammates said, it was a very special season” – the defender’s first words – “Many events that have influenced the year that ended with a result that we are very sorry about. Despite this I want to applaud this group and the club, my teammates for never giving up and fighting until the end, but also all the managers who in the first year of life, despite the heavy name, have given heart and soul for these colors never letting us lack anything”.

Lots of praise on the market for Eraldo, who however gives priority to the banners: “Unfortunately my job prevents me from being there in the initial and final phases of the season, but this does not affect my desire to play and contribute to the cause. Savona remains in first place for me, it is the team of my city and I would like to be able to give my contribution to the cause, it is understood that I do not close the doors to anyone, we are men of football and as such it is right to listen to everyone and evaluate. I hope in the coming weeks to define my future, also for the transfer market it is still very long “.

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