Messina, Participatory Democracy Call Published

Messina, Participatory Democracy Call Published
Messina, Participatory Democracy Call Published

It is being published on the online notice board and on the institutional website of the Municipality of Messinail Trying from the Participatory Democracy year 2024 aimed at involving citizens in the choice of actions of common interest. Therefore, all citizens who have reached the age of sixteen and are resident in the Municipality of Messina, Associations, Companies, public and private entities and in general collective representation bodies that have their registered office and operations in the municipal territory, with the exception of those who hold political positions on the national territory, in elective assemblies or in government bodies, in any autonomous body recognized by the Italian Constitution as well as the State and other Local Authorities; anyone who holds positions on the Board of Directors of companies, entities, consortia or foundations with public participation, those who hold positions in the management bodies of political parties, trade unions, trade associations, non-profit associations present in the national territory that are attributable to political subjects or that carry out activities with political purposes and finally the employees of the Municipality, are invited to express their preference for the use of the sums, pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 1 of LR n. 5/2014. The 2% share of the sums transferred by the Sicilian Region for the year 2024 is equal to 110,705.02 euros.

Those interested in proposing an action in the interest of the city, by August 31, 2024, may express only one preference by accessing the address indicating the theme, the location, the street and the action that they intend to carry out. There are five thematic areas and they concern: 1) Social, Scholastic and Educational Activities; 2) Economic Development and Tourism; 3) Cultural, Sports and Recreational Activities; 4) Environment and Territory; 5) Green Areas. The proposals formulated by citizens will be ordered and represented in a document called “Document on Participation” prepared at the end of the evaluation phase which will then be issued by the City Council and will constitute part of the draft budget forecast to be submitted to the approval of the City Council.

The councilor Massimiliano Minutoliin reiterating the importance of community participation in the implementation of interventions aimed at improving city areas, declared that “this year too we have adopted the online choice system to help those who are unable to go directly to the municipal offices to express their choice. The system guarantees maximum transparency and it will be possible to indicate a preference only for one of the thematic areas provided for in the notice”. “I hope that the Districts will promote the call in order to give maximum dissemination on the territory with the aim of involving the participation of citizens as much as possible in the definition of the project choices that represent an important added value for the growth of the entire community in terms of well-being and quality of life”, concluded the Councilor.

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