Kpmg opens a new office in Naples with 400 jobs for graduates – QuiFinanza

Kpmg opens a new office in Naples with 400 jobs for graduates – QuiFinanza
Kpmg opens a new office in Naples with 400 jobs for graduates – QuiFinanza

Almost 400 hires in two years for the opening of an innovative ‘KPMG Open Platform’ hub based in Naples. The global giant of professional services for businesses and public administration has announced its investment in Campania for the construction of an office in Italy, which will be operational from 1 October 2024.

The hub of professional services for businesses and Pa

The center for accounting and management consultancy for companies and public administrations falls within the scope of the multinational’s growth strategy, to create an innovative solution platform for all customers of the network on Italian territory.

The project strengthens the presence in Naples of Kpmg, already present in the Campania capital with an office of approximately 150 professionals.

The Group highlighted how the decision to focus on the Neapolitan city was also dictated by the need to enhance an already existing system of institutional relations. An example is the ‘Core Academy’ project, developed with the Federico II University and the other projects developed in recent years for the main institutional entities in the area on topics such as the implementation of Pnrr funds, digital transformation paths and the innovation of service models in healthcare.

The opening of 400 jobs

The construction of the hub, in the area of ​​the Naples business centre, involves the opening of 400 places for a stable job opportunity for new graduates from Campania, with priority given to graduates in economic and STEM subjects.

“Kpmg’s decision rewards our efforts aimed at valorising the young talents of this city – stated the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi – so that they can develop their skills and maintain a strong connection with the territory. We are working with them to ensure the best logistical conditions. It is also a moment of relaunch of the business center which will also see the opening of the metro station”.

The objective of the ‘Kpmg Open Platform’ will be the development of a series of high-tech solutions including cyber security services, program management on large public sector transformation projects, managed services, management and evolution of application platforms.

“The new platform was born in response to a phase of strong transformation in the demand for professional services for businesses – underlined Mario Corti, senior partner and president of Kpmg – with the increasingly rapid and pervasive diffusion of digital technologies which are redefining the service model towards ‘end to end’ solutions. In this phase of great change it is important to support businesses and public administration, especially in the execution phase.”

Satisfaction for the new opening was also expressed by the regional budget councilor, Ettore Cinque, according to whom Kpmg’s choice “confirms theattractiveness of Campania and it is the result of a long journey that we have started together for years in areas such as healthcare, digital, the transformation of services for the public administration with highly professional and competent services”.

“When you create this partnership between public and private on high quality services – added the Region’s account manager – and even institutions like the Region know well what they want and where they want to go, the market also responds better, professional operators develop skills and therefore decide to invest on the territory which is exactly what is happening at the moment with the choice made by Kpmg which for this reason we warmly welcome”.

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