“No more wild boars”: farmers under the seat of the Tuscany Region

“No more wild boars”: farmers under the seat of the Tuscany Region
“No more wild boars”: farmers under the seat of the Tuscany Region

“Enough with wild boars and uncontrolled wildlife. Enough is enough”: Tuscan farmers are back in the square with a large demonstration opened by the “march” of wild boars by young entrepreneurs in the region to forcefully denounce the emergency of wild fauna that is decimating agricultural businesses, encouraging the abandonment of land and the depopulation of many areas of our countryside and mountains. Wild boars & co. are increasingly perceived as a danger, 58% of citizens consider them a threat, for road safety and for health with the risk of the spread of Swine Fever looming over processing companies and tourism.

The appointment is for Thursday, July 4th from 9:00 in front of Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, seat of the Tuscany Region, meeting point of the mobilization of farmers and breeders from all the provinces of the region to say “Enough wild boars” with signs, slogans and whistles and bring their testimony. The picket will participate, together with the regional president Letizia Cesani, all the provincial managers, mayors, regional councilors and assessors who have accepted the invitation.

For the occasion, data on road accidents in Tuscany caused by wild animals will be disclosed, as well as the results of a survey on the perception of the emergency.

For information www.toscana.coldiretti.it, official Facebook page @coldiretti.toscana, Instagram @Coldiretti_Toscana, Twitter @coldirettitosca, official YouTube channel “Coldiretti Toscana” and Telegram channel “coldirettitoscana”

Source: Press Office

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