Bishop Trieste, attention to people, especially the most fragile

Bishop Trieste, attention to people, especially the most fragile
Bishop Trieste, attention to people, especially the most fragile

TRIESTE, JULY 2 – The Social Week of Catholics in Italy, which will be held in Trieste from July 3 to 7, will take a “global look at what is hurting humanity as a whole through a concrete dialogue with people in the flesh”. This is the Church’s way: “Attention to people, starting with the most fragile”. This was announced by Msgr. Enrico Trevisi, Bishop of Trieste, on the sidelines of the press conference to present the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy, which will focus on the theme “At the heart of democracy. Participating between history and future”. The Bishop added that “we cannot be distracted by the suffering of those around us, in a world that is all interconnected and not only through digital networks but also through migratory phenomena”. The Christian religion in Italy wants to “rediscover a more beautiful world, the one that God entrusts to us – added Trevisi – And we want to do it with everyone, without entering into sterile oppositions that often smack of ideology instead of looking at people, their problems, their wounds and seeking our own style as Christians and as a church”. (ANSA).

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