will it end 60% at 40, or 53 at 47? – OtherPages

will it end 60% at 40, or 53 at 47? – OtherPages
will it end 60% at 40, or 53 at 47? – OtherPages

The best observers, however, say that there will be a head-to-head battle between Flavio Stasi and Pasqualina Straface until the end

CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – A few days after the citizens’ call to vote for the election of the Mayor and the City Council, the outcome of this administrative consultation – single round due to the fact that there are only two candidates for mayor – And shrouded in total uncertaintyif you wanted to do some forecasts.

Yes, because doing them would be a big gambleeven if for days and days There are many who indulge in this useless exercise.

More than predictionsHowever, they look like gods desiredbecause those who do them in most cases experience political involvement, in short, they root for one or the other.

One is the incumbent mayor Flavio Stasithe other is her challenger Pasqualina Strafacethe first at the head of a civic coalition with the presence also of the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement, the second at the head of the centre-right party coalition with the presence also of civic lists.

Whether Stasi and Straface have commissioned some electoral polls and guard the results in great secrecy is not known.but in these hours even percentages are going crazy:

which say 60 to 40 – therefore crediting one of the two candidates with the clear victory – but also 53 to 47, with a much smaller gap between the two.

Numbers and proportions that still leave the time and space they find between a coffee and a cold beer at the bar, between being in the square and listening to a live rally Facebookbetween one phone call and another and the message with friends and acquaintances.

Political observers who are most accredited for ussince they have sworn to us their determination not to go to vote on Saturday and Sunday because they prefer neither Stasi nor Straface, they predict an electoral head-to-head, and therefore a final difference between the Mayor who will be elected and the candidate who will be defeated, of a few hundred votes.

Will it really be like this?


Base your predictions on voting intentions and election results based on number of presences in the squares where the two candidates are holding rallies, or based on number of like or comments on social networks (the latter almost always by declared fans of both sides) not only is it reductivebut also rather fake:

yes, because there are so many variables there (doubtful authenticity of all those who expose themselves in public with name and surname, profiles with unlikely names, created to alter or poison wells, etc.)but for the majority of citizens of Corigliano-Rossano i social they are the Bible of conviction on a completely uncertain electoral outcome.

In spite of the public comparisons close or at a distance that there were between the two candidates, of the subjects from the same unlined, from controversygive it attacks and come on poisons which have not been lacking and which will certainly not be lacking in the next few hours and in the next last 3 days before the vote. As it has always been and as it will always be in the future. [email protected]

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