Marina di Carrara, students on the front line to clean the beach

Marina di Carrara, students on the front line to clean the beach
Marina di Carrara, students on the front line to clean the beach

MARINA DI CARRARA – A new initiative in collaboration between the Municipality of Carrara, Consulta Giovani, Itis Galilei and Nausicaa has made it possible to carry out an extraordinary cleaning of the beach in front of Bagno Marino. A few mornings ago, in fact, the “task force” which had already used its forces to remove some tons of abandoned waste in the area of ​​Viale Giovanni da Verrazzano (near the fishermen’s village), thus found itself on the stretch of beach in correspondence with the bathing establishment which is currently closed, to free the sandy area from plastic and debris, thus allowing bathers to be able to make better use of those spaces.

«The council always moves with great participation in these works of active citizenship – explained the president Lorenzo Borghini – It makes motions on social issues and strongly believes in the importance of operating in an effective manner. To do this, we can count on the collaboration of the Municipality of Carrara and in particular we thank the councilor Carlo Orlandi for the great availability that he shows every time. I would also like to thank the school and culture delegate of the consultation, Francesco Grassi, as well as the vice-principal of Itis Galilei, Luca Bardini. And obviously, thanks to Nausicaa, for the support.”

«These initiatives – added the president of the multiservices of the Municipality of Carrara, Antonio Valenti – see us at the forefront with the consultation, because we are convinced that teamwork is always rewarding. It is also satisfying to see the commitment of the children, who demonstrate a civic culture and a sense of belonging to the territory which can also be a lesson to us adults. I thank them for their spirit of initiative, just as I thank the company staff who were involved in the collection of waste on the coast.”

«I thank all the participants in the initiative – concluded the councilor for the municipality’s subsidiaries, Carlo Orlandi – We intend to further strengthen the relationship with the consultancy, in such a way as to give life to various other initiatives like these, with the hope of seeing the new generations’ love for the city grow more and more.”

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