in Calabria the final phases of courses on seismic risk aimed at young students

in Calabria the final phases of courses on seismic risk aimed at young students
in Calabria the final phases of courses on seismic risk aimed at young students

The final phase of the projects is currently taking place “At Earthquake School” And “I Don’t Risk School”the result of the collaboration betweenNational Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the Department of Civil Protection of the Calabria Region. Calabria is one of the largest Italian regions high seismic danger. In-depth knowledge of the territory is therefore also fundamental for younger generations, to build a society in which tomorrow’s adults have the tools to make informed choices in the direction of reducing earthquake risk.

In the 2023-2024 school year the courses of seismic risk education activated by INGV and DPC Calabria involved over 260 classes of the primary and secondary schools of the Region and, in the final phase of these days, they will see the students illustrate the final results of their activities to the other pupils of their schools and to their families.

In particular, the project “At Earthquake School”born in 2021 for lower secondary schools, this year saw the involvement of a further 17 comprehensive schools, with 45 teachers who joined training courses ad hoc and laboratory activities in 35 classes.

“I Don’t Risk School”, however, was born in 2018 for primary school pupils, with activities managed by Civil Protection volunteers throughout the national territory. Since 2022, an experiment has been launched in Calabria in which the creation of risk education courses is entrusted directly to teachers. This year the project saw the participation of 227 classes from 30 comprehensive schools, for a total of over 3500 students and 278 appropriately trained teachers.

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