Arcadio: “I’ve been missing for many years, it was nice to be back. Siena can also have their say in Serie D” :: Siena Club Fedelissimi 1970

Arcadio: “I’ve been missing for many years, it was nice to be back. Siena can also have their say in Serie D” :: Siena Club Fedelissimi 1970
Arcadio: “I’ve been missing for many years, it was nice to be back. Siena can also have their say in Serie D” :: Siena Club Fedelissimi 1970

«If I beat Voria and Argilli? I was a little disappointed that they didn’t take the field, I would have liked to play with them again to remember the old days. But it went well anyway, I was able to play with Guglielmo Mignani. You can see that he is a thoroughbred striker, he has great qualities. He is fast, powerful and in front of goal he is very cold, I think he can do well even among the professionals.” One of the old glories who embellished the day in memory of Arturo and Guaspa was Antonio Arcadio. The former Juventus striker returned to Siena after a long time and for the occasion he went to lend a hand to the Amici del Guaspa team. «Returning to Siena is always pleasant, especially when you meet many friends and many people you know, it becomes even more beautiful. I had been missing for several years, but in cases like these it is always an opportunity to remember that feat of many years ago that took us to Serie B. That was – Arcadio recalls – the first spark that then started Siena’s glorious ride in Serie A. I wish Robur to relive those moments, the important thing is that there is a solid and well-organized club behind it to lay the foundations for an interesting growth path.”

Arcadio, who in recent years has also coached in Eccellenza, then gave a look at the future Serie D championship in which Robur could be included: «When we won the championship from C1 to B only 4-5 additions were made, and yet ours was a great championship, we achieved salvation towards the end of February. When a team wins a championship – underlines the former striker – there is no need to dismantle it, it just needs to be shaped and forged, identifying those pieces that allow you to raise the quality and compete with the others. This year we expect an important championship, there will be very well-equipped teams but I think Siena can also have their say in Serie D. It is essential – concludes Arcadio – to always remain humble knowing that you have to work hard to achieve important objectives. But I think there are all the conditions for a good run in D too.” (Jacopo Fanetti)

Source: Fol

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