In Terni a newsstand closes every month. In Viale della Stazione Ciarulli bids farewell

In Terni a newsstand closes every month. In Viale della Stazione Ciarulli bids farewell
In Terni a newsstand closes every month. In Viale della Stazione Ciarulli bids farewell

TERNI – «Goodbye, I return the license to the Municipality. A painful but inevitable choice”. On July 20, the newsstand on Viale della Stazione, by Massimo Ciarulli, closes. After the one in via XX Settembre and viale Battisti. The cardo and the decumanus are thus left without a resale of printed paper. Ciarulli communicates this to the citizens with a moving message, which is also an invitation not to lose the habit of reading the newspaper. “More than 60 years of newsstands are not a short time. They represent an era in which a family, ours, has managed this activity. Parents, children, uncles and nephews have contributed to the creation and then to the management of this small universe of printed paper. We believe, and hope, to have carried out our work with passion and dedication. Thank you all for the daily way in which you have visited us, for the time you have dedicated to us, for the esteem and affection you have shown. All this, for us, represents the reward of our work. Continue to frequent the newsstands. Do not lose the habit of reading the newspaper. A paper newspaper you browse through, reread, cut it out, put it aside, use it, recycle it. It assists, consoles, accompanies, but above all informs. A news item on the web does not possess all these qualities and often deceives. Very often it is without a source. It seduces, but does not convince. Go to the newsstand. Buy a newspaper. Thank you all».


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