Velletri, road safety lesson at Talita Kum’s Summer Center for the disabled

Il Summer Camp by Talita Kum Association continues successfully at the Tevola School of Velletrioffering an important opportunity for recreation, learning and inclusion for disabled children. After days dedicated to culture, shopping, good food and games, Monday 1st July it was the turn of road safety.

The Velletri Local Police in fact, he held a road safety lesson for the participants of the Summer Camp. From the Local Police Command came John and Emanuela Maurowho with great professionalism and kindness provided valuable information on road safety, teaching the kids the fundamental rules for moving around the road safely.

The meeting was an educational moment of great value, allowing the children to learn in an interactive and fun way. The Talita Kum association expressed its deep gratitude to the Commander of the Municipal Police, Dr. Maurizio Santarcangelo, for having made this initiative possible, demonstrating great sensitivity towards the theme of inclusion and education of disabled children.

Local Police Talita Kum

Il Talita Kum Summer Center continues with a program full of activities that will continue to offer the kids opportunities for growth and fun, always in a context of attention and care. The Talita Kum association is constantly committed to creating moments of sharing and learning, thus contributing to building a more inclusive and aware community.

Local Police Talita Kum
Local Police Talita Kum
Local Police Talita Kum
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