Pomezia, the land of myths in the new issue of CulturaIdentità on newsstands

Pomezia, the land of myths in the new issue of CulturaIdentità on newsstands
Pomezia, the land of myths in the new issue of CulturaIdentità on newsstands

A land you don’t expect, land of myths – as the cover title says, designed as always by Mark Lodola– with great personalities who have left an important mark in the history and culture of Italy and abroad in the area: Aeneas, Ugo Tognazzi, Sergio Leone. This is the main theme of the new issue of CultureIdentitythe magazine founded and directed by Edward Sylos Labinion newsstands from Thursday 4 July that starting from the 10th edition of the Festival of Identity Citieswhich will take place between 5 and 7 July in the town of Agro Pontino, will feature these mythical characters.

A journey that starts from ancient roots: the myth of Aeneas. In fact the mythical prince fleeing from Troy, sung in theVirgil’s Aeneid, arrived in the places we call today “Sea Practice” by divine mandate and there, in the 12th century BC, he founded the ancient Laviniusthe seed from which Rome would be born five centuries later, as he explains to us Valentina Ferranti.

And from Aeneas, another great epic, contemporary, that of the great cinema, with Sergio Leone hey Western film Italian style. The Roman director, in fact, shot “Once Upon a Time in America” and “Once Upon a Time in the West”among other things, right in Pratica di Mare and there he wanted to be buried. Three exceptional pens tell us about it: Luca Verdonewho worked with Leone, Charles Changes and the concert pianist Gianmario Strappedwhich will focus on the partnership between Leone and Ennio Morricone.

Pomezia, or rather, its marina, Torvajanicais then linked to another giant of Italian cinema: Ugo Tognazzi. The showman, Count Mascetti, the king of goliardia. In fact, his son, the actor, tells us about it Gianmarco Tognazzi, interviewed by Massimiliano Beneggiwith the memory of the summers at that “Tognazzi Village” where so much of the history of Italian customs has passed, while at Fabio Dragoni, very Tuscan, is responsible for recalling the zingaratethose of Tognazzi’s cinematic alter ego, Count Mascetti from the Florentine film “Amici miei”.

And so, the journey returns to where it started: Pomezia. And the other foundation cities. A battle of man against wild nature and inhospitable, won with work and will after centuries of stalemate and defeats. Away with malaria and the picturesque but primitive shepherds’ lestre, Latina, Pomezia, Pontinia, Sabaudia and Apriliatogether with many other villages, have dotted a fertile countryside, with their twentieth century architecture that the world envies us, as they explain to us Emanuele Mastrangelo and Enrico Petrucci with two pieces, respectively on the history of this enterprise and with the portrait of two great singers of the same: Antonio Pennacchi, “the fascist-communist” and its predecessor, Corrado Alvaro.

And then, as usual, the Identity Cities: this issue we bring readers to Ventimigliacity of the Black Corsair, Ask for itthe village sacred to the goddess Diana, and Saint Oresteslying next to the Soratte Bunker. Then Gabriele Cirilli, guest at the festival of the Identitarian Cities in Pomezia who tells his story in an interview Roberta Betae Adriano Monti Buzzettipresident of the Center for Books and Reading, who explains to Emanuel Beluffi what CEPELL does to get as many books as possible into the hands of Italians.

Finally, the columns with in-depth analysis for the readers of CulturaIdentità: first of all the tips for reading under the umbrella. Then, the news of ASACERT on the communication and sustainable development front; “Traveling with Itinere”which takes us into the flavors Western film of Sergio Leone’s films and on the stalls of the Frontier saloons, edited by Food Academy Elior; the flattering balance of the Theater of Tuscany, with the great shows, the street installations, the big names and the international collaborations; the wait for the Ferrara Art Biennale, with the protagonist ArtNow and the Effetto Arte Foundation.

Cultura identità can be purchased at newsstands for 4 euros, or it is possible subscribe to the subscription and receive the paper copy comfortably at home along with the digital version at the link below.

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