Elly Schlein with Gianna Pentenero in the Piedmont election campaign

«We defend women’s right to choose about their own bodies. And we do it starting from here, in Piedmont, where on the right we say: close that listening room at Sant’Anna and open it in the Region’s skyscraper.” In a Solferino square with over 1,500 voters, militants and dem politicians, the national secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein launches the last week of the electoral campaign of Gianna Pentenero and the centre-left. Defending women’s rights and law 194, as can also be read on many protest signs against the Vita Nascente fund and the listening rooms of FdI councilor Maurizio Marrone.

The right-wing attack on healthcare

Having just arrived from the rally in Milan, the secretary walks through the crowd of Democrats embracing the center-left presidential candidate. She takes a “pasillo de honor” from the audience to the tune of Gianna by Rino Gaetano. And from the stage she attacks the right again, this time on the right to healthcare: «Here too you achieve your objective: healthcare only for those with bulging wallets and those who cannot give up treatment». And she adds: «They tell the photonic lie about the largest investment ever in public health, but here the waiting lists are endless».

The promises for Piedmont

Schlein praises mayor Stefano Lo Russo who «is calling for a law on the recognition of couples with same-parent children». He speaks of the “right to citizenship of second generation children”. He claims “pride for the Resistance, anti-fascist like the Constitution”. A rally that also embraces young people and work, the ceasefire in Gaza and the climate emergency (“we don’t deny it like the right does”). And he concludes: «The Piedmont we want is like the Europe we want: attentive to people, no one excluded. Long live Piedmont and anti-fascist Italy.”

The work and the attack on General Vannacci

The audience applauds her, as united as the Piedmontese party is on stage and in the square. The first to speak is the regional secretary Domenico Rossi: «In Piedmont, healthcare is on its last legsThe public transport does not workwe have the land consumption recordi women’s rights are trampled upon. We are not only on the field against all this, but also to propose a radical alternative to the worst right ever.” The national vice president of the Democratic Party speaks after him Chiara Gribaudo. He begins his speech by quoting the «tragic night for the workers of Brandizzo. We are black shirt for multiple accidents in the workplace. If we are truly the party of labor, we must fight this problem.” Then he remembers David Sassoli and attacks Vannacci, who in an electoral video said «put a Decima on the ballot»: «Here we experienced the Resistance, there is no room for those who quote the Tenth».

The candidate Pentenero

Last, before Schlein, here Gianna Pentenero: “I’m excited. When I accepted this somewhat crazy challenge it was an honor. I applied, together with everyone, putting my face to it.” She then bites on healthcare: «The right to health is denied in Piedmont». He mentions the TAV, the Third Crossing, he wants to “put Piedmont back at the center of Europe”. And he attacks Cirio: «If you announce that you are unblocking waiting lists, we say to you: “No, dear boy. Why didn’t you do it before?”. If you advertise free transportation for young people, we say: “No, dear boy. You can’t do it the day after our proposal”». And he concludes, while Elly listens with folded hands: «You won’t do it anyway, Cirio: from next week we will govern Piedmont. On Sunday we will win, we will rewrite history.”

With the mayor at Porta Palazzo

Before her, she also warmed up the people of the Democratic Party Mayor Lo Russo: «Thank you Elly, thank you Gianna for accepting an incredible challenge. Turin and Piedmont have ambitious goals. We are here to make them happen: let’s go win!». With Pentenero, yesterday morning, he handed out leaflets among the benches of Porta Palazzo collecting promises to vote and some complaints: “We would like to see you here more often” they said from the benches of the Tettoia dell’Orologio.

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