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Reggio Calabria, presentation of the Rhegium Julii program

Reggio Calabria, presentation of the Rhegium Julii program
Reggio Calabria, presentation of the Rhegium Julii program

“It is hereby communicated that the next July 2nd at 11.30amat the Gilda Trisolini Library Hall of the Metropolitan City, in the presence of the Mayor of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria Avv. Giuseppe Falcomatà, the mayor of Campo Calabro Dr. Sandro Repaci and the associations that support the event (Rocco Polimeni tennis club, Municipality of Reggio Calabria, (“Rocco Polimeni” tennis club, Rotary Club Reggio Calabria, FAI, Panathlon RC, Cis della Calabria, Archeoclub dello Stretto, Academy of free time, CIF Reggio Calabria,) will be held press conference to present the Rhegium Julii literary cafésthe 2024 summer entertainment program that will take place in the months of July and August, at 9.30 pm, at the “Rocco Polimeni” tennis club. This is what the Club states in a note.

Previews of the program

“They start again, from July 4th to August 26ththe eagerly awaited literary cafés organized for over 40 years by the Circolo Rhegium Julii. The location and consolidated collaboration with Tennis Club “Rocco Polimeni” where, open to the public, at 9.30 pm every Monday (with the exception of Thursday 4 July), all the events scheduled will be held to offer a moment of evening entertainment capable of enriching the warm evenings of the City’s summer season.

And perhaps it is an unusual liberation, because there is nothing that can make one think of the ephemeral. These are evenings of strong emotions that arise from the carousel of questions that the author raises and that are courageously proposed by the interlocutors present. There are many enthusiasts who consider the literary cafés as a propitious occasion to consume an encounter with the history of our time, with science, through close encounters with protagonists of the current culture who have already given great proof of themselves or who themselves seek confirmation of their intuitions and of a life never tamed by events.

The result: an uncensored comparison of topics dear to our common feeling, and fueled by daily discomfort or our current prejudices. Almost always useful, because the navigation is varied and takes unexpected routes for insights of different consistency and content.

Once again, the strong point of the summer calendar was the subsidiarityor the involvement of institutions, associations and service clubs that have collaborated with the Rhegium Julii Club in recent years and from which stimuli, convergence and regeneration of broad scope continue to arrive, for all periods of the year. We think not only of the extraordinary welcome and support reserved by the “Rocco Polimeni” tennis club, but also of the contributions of historic associations such as the Panathlon Club of Reggio Calabria, the FAI Reggio Calabria, the CIS, the Rotary Club Reggio Calabria, the CIF, the Pithagoras Planetarium, the Academy of Free Time, we also think of the friendship reserved by the Delianuova Youth Wind Orchestra and its President and the support reserved by the Municipality and the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria and Campo Calabro. These are the protagonists of the 2024 Cafés:

With the literary cafés the ‘Rhegium Julii’ club raises the level of attention of its public with a group of illustrious and nationally and internationally appreciated personalities in the fields of art, literature, journalism and science.

Two intense monthsrich in culture and special events including the award ceremony of the Rhegium Julii Inedito 2024 Awards – 56th edition – dedicated to single poetry, poetic anthologies and short stories, with the international culture awards awarded this year to Silvestre Clancier (president of the Mallarmè Institute in Paris) and Muriel Augry Merlino, responsible for many years of the French cultural institutes abroad”.

Details and personality present

“It is possible to find all the details on the initiatives promoted by connecting to the website and following any updates on the social channels of the ‘Rhegium Julii’ Cultural Circle.

During the evenings, the institutional authorities and the Presidents of the Tennis Club “Rocco Polimeni” Avv. Ezio Privitera, of the Rotary Club Reggio Calabria Vincenzo Nociti, of the Panathlon Reggio Calabria Dr. Irene Pignata, of the Deputation of National History for Calabria Prof. Giuseppe Caridi, of the FAI Arch. Dina Porpiglia, of the Cis Calabria Loreley Rosita Borruto, who have given their patronage to the initiative, will be invited and present”.

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