Elly Schlein bludgeoned, the “miracle” of Renzi and Ilaria Salis: so, today…

Elly Schlein bludgeoned, the “miracle” of Renzi and Ilaria Salis: so, today…
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– We must give up: the world moves like an earthworm that crawls slowly towards an abyss. In France they want to pass a law to punish those who discriminate based on hair. It seems that black women are discriminated against in the workplace because of afro hair, dreadlocks or braids. “People who don’t fit the standards Eurocentric they find themselves facing stereotypes and prejudices,” said the deputy who is carrying forward this fundamental battle for civilization. Obviously it will not only protect black citizens, even if it was born for this, but also ladies with blond hair or redheads. The rule appears redundant, like many of the rearguard battles: in France there is already a law against racial discrimination and it is not clear why one should fixate on hair. But now everything in this world is worth it: at this point, give us a law against eyebrow discrimination.

– PS: just for laughs, know that the guy who proposed the law is bald.

Chain De Luca the electoral list for the European elections is about to be launched and the symbol will contain all 17 acronyms that make up the crowd. Fans of proportional representation should explain to me how they can think that these jumbles created only to overcome the barrier threshold (I’m also talking about United States of Europe of Renzi-Bonino) can be useful to public affairs once the seats have been divided.

Matteo Renzi wants to sue Chain De Luca, guilty of claiming that Italia Viva and Totò Cuffaro will eventually make an electoral agreement. Today De Luca responded with an unforgettable speech of very high political value which well explains the high level of the political debate underway in Italy. It seems correct to us to report the speech in full, in order to better savor its intellectual caliber: “Prrrrrrrrrrrr… he deserved it” (the raspberry). Politics is beautiful.

– Poor thing Elly Schlein: how she does it, she gets it wrong and her internal enemies bludgeon her (politically). She wanted to run as head of the list and they prevented her from doing so so as not to damage the female candidates. She wanted to run third on the list among all her colleagues, but perhaps she can’t otherwise only men go to Brussels. Antonio Decaro embarks and there are those who make noise. He thinks of Ilaria Salis and there are those who turn up their noses. Lance Lucia Annunziata and half the Neapolitan party is furious: they say it was “fallen from above” (very true) and that it is a “too televised” face which in fact destroys years and years of work in the territory of those poor people who join a club, participate at meetings, perhaps local councilors spend years hoping to be candidates and then see themselves overtaken by the first Rai journalist who passes by. “We had to change the Democratic Party – this is the best summary – and instead we change the names dropped from above”. Best wishes, Elly.

– One of the area managers Schlein of Naples, to try to defend Annunziata, says that Lucia “played an important role in this country”. Which one, sorry? I’m curious…

– Now it’s official: politicize the case Ilaria Salis Maybe it didn’t harm her but it certainly didn’t do her any good. She will remain in prison and for who knows how much longer.

Pina Picerno bomb Elly Schlein: “We are certainly not the Island of the famous and we are not even in a television contest. The Democratic Party has remained standing in recent years thanks to the strength of all our militants, I think it is right to listen to what they think.” More than the formation of the lists it seems like a bullfight.

– Miracle of Matteo Renzi: he manages to split +Europe in two (splitting an atom is not something for everyone) by causing arguments Emma Bonino and the former grillino Pizzarotti. The former prime minister’s ability to sow discord is second to none.

– They’re both right Salvini That Valditara to argue that there should never be too high a number of foreign children in school classrooms, especially if little or no Italian is spoken in families. Not because of racism, but because of logic: integration becomes impossible if those who should integrate find themselves in the minority in a community.

Annalisathe singer, will be godmother of the 2024 Rome Pride.

A myth falls on me.

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