Paola Barale, cuddles and tenderness on the sofa with him: the presenter crazy in love

Paola Barale, cuddles and tenderness on the sofa with him: the presenter crazy in love
Paola Barale, cuddles and tenderness on the sofa with him: the presenter crazy in love

Paola Barale is in love: some compromising photos have appeared on social media in which she is cuddling and having very tender attitudes.

Not too long ago, interviewed by Vanity Fair, Paola Barale she confessed to being intrigued by the possibility of the polyamory: the show-girl is apparently evaluating the idea of ​​establishing a relationship with two men. This is because, according to him, often one person is not enough to have a perfect relationship. “This is perhaps why two-way relationships, the exclusive ones we all dream of, are increasingly rare today“, he explained.

Paola Barale (Photo: Instagram @paolabaraleofficial) –

During other interviews Paolo Barale has instead clarified that he is single and dissatisfied. After many disappointments in love, the fifty-seven-year-old from Fossano explained that she is a bit disillusioned with men and that for some time she has discovered that she is very happy alone, even though she still wants to share her life only with someone who truly loves her.

In his book It’s not the end of the world, Barale also talked about menopause, the changes her body and her sexual life have undergone. The show-girl launched by Mike Buongiorno had to face a early menopausearrived when she was forty-two. She wanted to write a book specifically to deal with the issue of declining libido, explaining that desire does not disappear completely, even if it decreases. But change, in fact, is not the end of the world.

What Paola Barale wants is a sincere and faithful companion, possibly affectionate and willing to cuddle and share moments of sweetness. And maybe she has already found it, as demonstrated by some photos that she herself published on social media recently.

The compromising photos of Paola Barale: cuddling on the sofa with her partner

And who is the mysterious one object of the affections of the famous Italian presenter and actress? Although we always wanted to keep his private life very confidential, we know the names of many of Barale’s exes. We know, for example, that she was with Marco Bellavia, former host of BimBumBam and then discussed competitor of GF VIP. Then she was linked for a long time to the former dancer Gianni Sperti.

Paola Barale: longing for tenderness and cuddles with her dog (Photo: Instagram @paolabaraleofficial) –

In 2005, Paola Barale met the model and actor Once Degan, which was perhaps the greatest love of his life. The story, amidst various back and forth, ended after about ten years, but it seems that the two still love each other very much. Who came after Raz? On the couch with her in the latest photos posted in stories there is a little white dog, which Paola cuddles on her belly.

Paola Barale has had several dogs throughout her life. One of her most important dogs was a white dog named Bribrì, who died some time ago. Then, the presenter adopted a chihuahua named Rosita, who was abandoned in Bari. The dog in the photo should be Rosita. A sapphic love, then? “We can’t do it“, Paola writes on the photo and then tags an association that deals with dog adoptions.

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