Ambra Angiolini, the disease that destroyed her: saved in extremis by her mother

Ambra Angiolini, the disease that destroyed her: saved in extremis by her mother
Ambra Angiolini, the disease that destroyed her: saved in extremis by her mother

Actress Ambra Angiolini talks about the drama she experienced when she was just a teenager. It was her mother who helped her in the difficult moment.

“It’s called a disease, it must be treated, research must be done. But you parents don’t try to solve but leave traces of love”, this is how Ambra Angiolini returned to talk about one of the most complicated moments of her existence. She was very young at the time, little more than a girl; It was her mother who helped her out of a difficult situation, who instead of finding a solution made her feel all his love, remaining by her side always. Perhaps this is the key to her recovery.

Ambra Angiolini, now 47, experienced a complicated time as a teenager – (Photo source ANSA)

In the interview granted to Carlotta Vagnoli for Basement Cafe by Lavazzathe actress has not spared criticism towards public opinion, above all because it often tends to be minimised, the disorder is frequently defined as the “girls’ disease”.

He barely holds back his emotion as he remembers that dramatic moment in his life: “We shouldn’t make it a disease for girls who want to be 90-60-90 because that thing is truly a dirty trick, an injustice.”

Ambra Angiolini and bulimia, it was her mother who saved her: “She didn’t…”

Addressing parents, Ambra Angiolini feels she can only give one piece of advice, that is, to show all of your love towards your children, especially when they are in difficulty. As happened to her, when she was only thirteen years old and she became bulimic because of “a cancer of the soul”, this is how he defined his disorder some time ago. Fortunately, she had her mother at her side, who was able to find the right way to support her in the most complicated moments.

If Ambra Angiolini managed to defeat bulimia it is above all thanks to her mother – (photo source ANSA)

A Basement Café by Lavazzaspeaking with Carlotta Vagnoli, revealed how the woman he left her notes “at vomit height, in the bathroom”. A simple but apparently particularly effective gesture: “They simply said that whatever I chose to do in that situation was fine with her”. After a short time she managed to get out of the tunnel and the credit goes above all to her, she probably couldn’t have done it alone, with her own strength.

In the closing remarks, the heartfelt suggestion for mothers and fathers who might find themselves grappling with a family situation of this kind. “Leave traces of love, don’t try to solve,” says the actress and then adds: “Because that is a solution that we find on our journey.”

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