“of books and thoughts” literary review

“of books and thoughts” literary review
“of books and thoughts” literary review

The second edition of the literary review “di libri e pensieri” will take place between July 2nd and 7th. The location of the event will once again be the evocative Piazza Umberto I, in the heart of the ancient village of Trappeto. There will be many events starting at 8:30 pm on July 2nd with the presentation of the book by Francesco and Silio Bozzi entitled “Stupor mundi”, a love letter to their land that is also a reflection on identity, both personal and collective. An exciting, fun and poetic story, which between dream and reality outlines the richness of the past and the depth of the Sicilian spirit.

Followed by the theatrical show “Le favole del mare e il cunto di Ulysses” by the Palermo actor Salvo Piparo who brings to the stage all the stories that the sea has written on people’s faces and in history, from the naval battles of the French against the Spanish until arriving at the legend of Colapesce and then Pietro Fudduni, Vanni the Fisherman, U Nonno Rinaldo. Stories of old people stitched with salt, stories of children who grew up in puddles of water and earth. Finally, the Cunto di Ulysses, a tribute to the Palermo theater dedicated to the great Maestro Mario Pupella, a Panormite Ulysses, extraordinary traveler inside the theater of dreams.

Space for the history of journalism July 3, at 9pm, in the company of Attilio Bolzoni, historic writer of the newspaper “La Repubblica” who for over thirty years has reported on Sicily and its mafia. “Controvento” is a journey from Palermo to Kabul, from the dust of the Sicilian villages to the fears of Baghdad, from the mafias to the wars to arrive at the great mysteries and great Italian crimes. In the book emerges a clear story of the Sicily of Totò Riina and Matteo Messina Denaro and then the hell of Capaci and the origins and evolutions of a mafia that has made us everywhere (and sadly) famous. But also the Sicily of Leonardo Sciascia, Danilo Dolci, Giovanni Falcone and Letizia Battaglia. Guest of the evening will be Pietro Puccio, mayor of Capaci.

Il 4th July, at 6 pm, space goes to the little ones with the presentation of the book “Peppino naso all’insù, by Evelin Costa and Cristina Buscemi of “Casa Memoria”. It is the story of Peppino Impastato told to children, to teach the importance of rebelling against what is wrong, even when your voice annoys those in power. During the evening, educational and recreational workshops will be held for children.

Leoluca Orlando, moderated by Calogero Barretta of Inikon, will be present on July 5th with “Enigma Palermo”, an exciting dialogue with the journalist Costanze Reuscher who retraces the fundamental stages of Palermo’s social rebirth. From “Palermo as Beirut, marked by bombs and fear, to today’s cosmopolitan metropolis, a place of peace, rights and welcome.

Il July 6 music takes the stage with the talk by rapper Murubutu, aka Alessio Mariani, singer and professor of history and philosophy, one of the pioneers of the rap-literary genre. “Letteraturap” starts with a question: is it possible to discover novels and the most important literary works of fiction through rap music? With his talk, the rapper from Emilia takes his experience even further, a project that starts from the deep connection between music and literature, to delve into the connections that have always existed.

The first part of the final evening is dedicated to the desperation of migrants from the South of the world. July 7, together with Lidia Tilotta, co-author of “Tears of Salt”, we will talk about the story of Pietro Bartolo, the doctor who has been welcoming migrants to Lampedusa for over twenty-five years, treating them and listening to their soul, who fought hard to change his own destiny and that of his island. His story is intertwined with the desperate and heartbreaking stories of some of the many migrants he met, protagonists of the greatest humanitarian emergency of our time. Guest of the evening will be Sky Tg24 journalist Raffella Daino with her music and a documentary that tells the stories of migrants and the crossings of hope.

The review closes with a meeting with journalist David Alan Scifo, author of “Se Colapesce si stancasse”, an extraordinary investigative journey along the coasts of the Sicilian hinterland that reveals some of the most serious, but less known, environmental disasters in Italy. A no-holds-barred narration of the pollution that is killing Sicily, from the sea of ​​Augusta to Gela, from the mines of Caltanissetta to the Montecatini factory to the island of Lampedusa, from the quarries of Trapani to the Mediterranean coast from Palermo to Trapani passing through Porto Empedocle and focuses on the correlation (often denied) between environmental damage and disease. The guest of the evening is journalist and frontman of Telejato Pino Maniaci.

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