Biden: «Kiev can use our weapons on the border, not in Moscow»

Joe Biden confirmed that the United States has given permission to the Ukrainians to use American missiles on Russian territory, even if only near the border, and categorically not to hit Moscow. This clarification, however, was not enough for the Russian authorities, who actually branded the US president’s words as «cynical and obscene».

Promising an “adequate response to any attempted violation” of its territory. The escalation, for the verbal moment, is skyrocketing, even afterwards Vladimir Putin’s threats to arm his allies against Western targetsbut the watchword in the Atlantic Alliance remains that of caution: “We see no danger of an imminent attack” against a member country, is the assessment of general secretary Jens Stoltenberg.

The green light from the United States and other Alliance countries to Kiev for the use of long-range weapons on Russian territory came after the observation that the invading army had opened another war front, in the Kharkiv area . A difficult choice, that of Westerners, but a considered one necessary to prevent the defeat of Ukraine.

In this sense, Biden confirmed his non-aggressive posture towards Russia in an interview with ABC. American weapons to Ukraine «they were authorized to be used near the border, not to strike 200 miles inside Russia, we are not authorizing attacks on Moscow and the Kremlin», the occupant of the White House made clear. Therefore the Atacms long-range missiles should only be used to neutralize the Russian launch bases from which attacks against Ukraine are launched. In essence, defensive actions. Concept also reiterated by Emmanuel Macron: «We prohibit hitting civilians with our weapons»explained the French president.

However, what Biden said was not enough to reassure Moscow. «Any attempt to violate Russian territory, regardless of the region in which it occurs, will have an adequate response, and those who bomb us in this way will bitterly regret it» thundered Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin.

Western weapons in Kiev for Vladimir Putin are smoke and mirrors, because he considers them one demonstration of NATO’s active role in the war against Russia. The Kremlin leader also confirmed this on Wednesday evening during a meeting with the main international news agencies: «If someone thinks that it is possible to supply weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and create problems for us, in the same way Moscow has the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world that will be able to strike sensitive structures” in the West, was his warning.


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