«He was exuberant on the pitch, a promising player»

«He was exuberant on the pitch, a promising player»
«He was exuberant on the pitch, a promising player»

CHIOGGIA – Who and what could Marco Salvagno have become if that pane of glass had not put an end to his path? The goalkeeper of an important football team? An event organizer? It’s difficult to say, but what can be glimpsed in his brief existence is a desire for growth, if not for real redemption, which guided him internally throughout the stages of life. What guided it “from the outside”, however, was the grandfather Angelo who, from an early age, looked after him and made him grow, together with his Grandma Paolawho passed away a few years ago. A special bond, the one with her grandfather, immortalised in the video on TikTok in which the two dance together, dressed as trappers. From an early age Marco attended theSalesian Oratory.

The memory

«I met him there, when I was an entertainer – he recalls Sandro Marangon, current councilor for social services – He was a cheerful and serene boy, who bonded well with everyone and was always present even at the various school camps. He immediately “enlisted” in the five-a-side football team of the Salesian sports club, PSG, as a goalkeeper.” A passion, that for soccerwhich will never fail and which would have led him to play in the youth teams of the Union Clodiense and then in the Futsal Valli to finally arrive at Loreo. «Marco played with us for two seasons, 2021-22 and 2022-23 he says Marco Doria, coach of the men’s 5-a-side football team Futsal Valli – was goalkeeper for the Under 21s and assistant goalkeeper for the first team. He had an exuberant character that, sometimes, made me a little “angry”, but he always knew how to make himself wanted. He had arrived at Valli with some friends and was among the “founders” of the Under 21 team. When he still didn’t have a driving license, it was his grandfather Angelo who accompanied him, especially for away games. Then he would go onto the pitch and his grandfather, sitting on the bleachers, would do a crossword. Football was his great passion, but he also loved cooking. Every now and then he prepared barbecue for friends and teammates. She stopped playing when she started working.”

The broken dreams

Marco, in fact, was not sitting idle but was also looking for stable employment. He had attended the Cfp Hotelier of Chioggia which had provided him with the basis for some small jobs in the world of bars and restaurants, he had done the lifeguard in the summer season, like many boys of his age, he also worked for a period in the shipyards in Porto Viro. And, with what he earned in these periods, he had also taken the satisfaction of some short trips with his friends, to Ibiza and Amsterdam. The friends of McDrink Events Group with whom he organized parties in the clubs and discos of Sottomarina and Rosolina. The kids who remember him as a young man full of life and things to do, active and polite and who on Friday, upon hearing the news of his death, rushed to the Civil Hospital to give him a final farewell. He had been working at the Bielo construction site for 7-8 months and those who met him recently say that he was very happy with his new “arrangement”: a step forward for a better life that, who knows how, he imagined and that vanished in a few seconds. Now everyone is rallying around grandfather Angelo, deprived of that grandson who could have become “someone”.


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