The Temple of Segesta emerges from the flames of a good fire

The Temple of Segesta emerges from the flames of a good fire
The Temple of Segesta emerges from the flames of a good fire

The columns of the Doric Temple of Segesta emerge from the flames, but it is a good fire, a burst of life and beauty. What better way to exorcise the memory of last year’s devastating fire than to immerse the temple (which miraculously survived by a few meters) in a sea of ​​images? Thus PHOS, fire becomes a story, seeks its reason for being in myth, rediscovers the Titan Prometheus who wanted to give it to men as an instrument of life and ingenuity, to elevate them from beasts to communities. But when the relationship breaks down, and Nature is forgotten, man no longer recognizes his limits: like Phaeton, he loses control and it is his downfall. If you look around, the Mediterranean scrub of Segesta is still black here and there, but the green is being reborn: and this extraordinary show – which debuted last night in the Temple that at night is already a vision in itself – treats the monument with reverence, immersing it in immersive and, for the first time, narrative videomapping, with the actor Dario Muratore who becomes a character and impersonates the Fire that speaks to humans. And it tells of its “good” strength that does not destroy, but brings to life. The innovative project was born from the collaboration between the management of the archaeological park, CoopCulture and Odd Agency. “We remember the apocalyptic scenario of a year ago very well, but from this devastating experience we have been reborn – says Luigi Biondo, director of the Segesta Park –; and this is the strong sign of resilience, art and beauty to defeat violence and evil”. Latest generation technology to fight darkness (real and social); flames that do not hurt the columns, gods and goddesses as light as butterflies, Zeus who throws his lightning bolts, the chariot of the Sun pulled by winged horses, nature that awakens. And finally heals the wound. “We fish out the Greek myth and tell the story of fire – explains Luca Pintacuda of ODD – The goal is always to bring to places, at unusual times, an audience that does not usually frequent them”.

PHOS repeats until July 18th every evening (except the 12th) two performances, at 9.20 pm and 10.20 pm. You must be at the entrance twenty minutes before the start of the show. The Segesta Archaeological Park will be open in July until 11 pm.

PHOS. I am the fire
curated by ODD Agency
text by Dario Muratore
produced by CoopCulture

From 1st to 11th and from 13th to 18th July
Every evening, two shows at 9.20pm and 10.20pm
Duration: 20 minutes
Ticket: Full 8 euros/Reduced: 6 euros (entrance to the Temple area)
Appointment at the ticket office at 9pm and 10pm
Ticket office open from 8.30pm
Reservations are recommended | 0923 1990030

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