“Up to 950 euros paid the same day”. Watch out for WhatsApp: the job offer scam

Unscrupulous criminals even take advantage of a difficult economic period like this to deceive their victims, attracting them with false job offers which later turn out to be a real scam. A truly dangerous message has been circulating on social media lately, especially on WhatsApp. The text proposes a job for which up to 950 euros are guaranteed. An attractive offer for many people, who unfortunately fall into the trap.

Beware of scams

Here is another method used by cybercriminals to carry out their attacks. The victims, who then contacted the police, reported the content of the message they received. “Hello, we are the Human Resources Department of TrovoLavoro and you have been selected for a part-time or full-time online job”is what is contained in the text, reported by The messenger. It’s still: “This is a very simple job that can be done from home without time or location restrictions“. The daily salary, assures the sender, is “280-950 euro and gets paid the same day.”

In short, a truly tempting proposal. Unfortunately, it is easy for people to fall into the trap, especially if we are talking about individuals in economic difficulty and desperately looking for work. Among other things, local authorities say, this message also reaches people who are not registered on sites that help people find work. These days the message is going around Italy, and several reports. This is why the authorities are warning the population: this is a scam, do not believe the content. It is also specified that the number sending the message is foreignerwith prefix +95.

Recognizing the trap

In reality, unfortunately, it is not a job proposal at all. The message promises money in exchange for eighty minutes of work a day. A tempting offer that pushes many to open the message and read it. To attract the victim even more, i criminals they add that the first fifty people who apply for the position will be entitled to 20 euros more in compensation. Definitely unrealistic.

To avoid risks, law enforcement advises not to open the message, and not to click on the

link present in the message. Contacting the sender of the message directly could also be dangerous. The best thing to do is cancel the text, or put it directly in the spam section.

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