Light could heal wounds thanks to gold nanoparticles

Light could heal wounds thanks to gold nanoparticles
Light could heal wounds thanks to gold nanoparticles

This is not science fiction, the most sceptical might approach this news with distrust and incredulity, but a research carried out with the unwitting collaboration of an invertebrate being has revealed that it is possible heal a wound with light. Thanks to the use of the infraredcould be an advanced technique of a not too distant future.

The team of researchers focused their study on one specimen in particular, due to its characteristics, we are talking about theHydra vulgariswhich has the ability to regenerate amputated parts of the small body. And this thanks to the action of stamina cellswhich are reactivated in the being, healing the organism’s truncation. The challenge of the researchers was precisely to identify how this process can be activated in humans.

The question that the scientists of theInstitute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems “Eduardo Caiello” was this: is it possible to heal wounds with light? The results of the research were published in the well-known journal Advanced Functional MaterialsThe study was carried out together with a group of scholars from theInstitute of Nanosciences and Materials of Aragon of Spain.

Healing with light, how is it possible? The importance of stem cells

The light could actually heal wounds thanks to the action of some gold nanoparticleswhich would stimulate the action of stem cells and allow the tissues to regenerate illuminated by the light beam. We are used to seeing certain scenes only in science fiction films, but it may not remain a futuristic vision, becoming a concrete ability to heal wounds of people, using light.

Scholars, in arguing the argument, have referred to heat packs or the use of ice to relieve pain and heal certain parts of the body. Why couldn’t the same happen with light, which after all also sends heat?

Claudia Tortiglione is a researcher of the Cnr- Isasi of Pozzuoli, and is the coordinator of the Italian group. You stated that for years the regenerative medicine which aims precisely at this, that is, at care of damaged tissues promoting the cell regeneration. This discipline is different from “repair”, which does not have the power to restore the exact morphology and functionality of the tissue itself.

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