A Passaggi Festival is the day of the official inauguration in Piazza XX Settembre

FANO – Passaggi Festival comes to life and turns the spotlight on the large stages of Piazza XX Settembre and the Pincio gardens. Thursday 27 June is the day of the inaugural ceremony of the 12th edition and the presentation of two important awards: the Passaggi Award to Luigi Manconi and the Fuori Passaggi Award to Alessandro Cattelan. The exhibitions dedicated to women’s literature, non-fiction for children and philosophy are also starting, while the appointments with books for breakfast, scientific aperitifs, workshops for children and meetings dedicated to well-being, politics and current affairs continue, economy, history and ‘books that talk about books’ with the event in memory of Katia Migliori. Fans of comics literature will meet at the Memo for the ‘Passaggi fraCloud’ exhibition – guests Marco Steiner, Enrico Pinto and Miguel Vila – in the festival bookshop we will meet Marino Sinibaldi who will present us the new issue of the magazine ‘Sotto il Vulcano’ , on the beach of Bagni Elsa in Fosso Sejore we will talk about music with Roberto Paravagna’s book on the life of Ringo Starr. Among the guests, Daniele Bossari, Elisabetta Fiorito, Francesco Costa, Ilaria Cazziol, Antonio Polito, Eterobasiche, Agostino Miozzo, Marco Santambrogio are expected. Entrance to all events is free.

The festival opens with the morning meetings of ‘Buongiorno Passaggi. Books for breakfast’: at the Bon Bon Art Cafè on the Lido the guest will be Ilaria Cazziol (9.30 am) who will present us “Destinazione Viaggio. To change your life and find yourself” (Rizzoli) in dialogue with the cultural operator Ilaria Triggiani.

In the afternoon, the unmissable appointment is with the workshops for children organized by the University of Camerino: in Bagni Torrette (4.00 pm) the young participants will have an “in the field” educational experience to biomonitor the presence of microplastics on the Adriatic coasts and at the Media Library Montanari (from 4.30pm) will draw nature with Unicam teacher and Geo&Geo science communicator Francesco Petretti. At the Pincio the children will enter ”Cucina con Frolla’ (from 5.45 pm) for the culinary themed workshop organized by Francesco Tenaglia and the guys from Frolla Microbiscottificio, while the ‘Meetings’ will be dedicated to the very little ones (0-3 years). sound: first books and songs’ edited by Mediateca Montanari (Memo, at 6.00 pm). Reservations are required for the workshops and can be made on the Passaggifestival.it website.

Numerous events will take place from afternoon to late at night: for the new exhibition ‘A Room of One’s Own’ which talks about women and writing, the journalists Flavia Fratello and Tiziana Ragni, curators of the meetings, will dialogue with the parliamentary reporter and writer Elisabetta Fiorito (ex Church of San Francesco, 6.30 pm) on his book “Golda. Story of the woman who founded Israel” (Giuntina). At the same time but at Bastione Sangallo, the wellness practices organized by the cultural association Meditamondo will continue. The appointment, coordinated by Simonetta Jivan Vincenzi and dedicated to the energetic influence of stones, will anticipate one of the most anticipated meetings of the day, the one with Daniele Bossari (7.30 pm) and his “Crystal. Journey to discover stones and their power” (Mondadori). The author will converse with Elisabetta Stefanelli, chief editor of Culture at Ansa. Before the presentation Daniele Bossari will be at the Coop ‘Fano Piceno’ supermarket for the ‘We live in a crystalline world’ event, meeting and signing copies with Coop members and consumers (at 6.00 pm).

Let’s return to the historic center: at the Montanari Media Library, the first appointment with the “Piccoli asSaggi. Non-fiction to grow up”. Maddalena Vaglio Tanet (6.30 pm) will tell us about the importance of words with her “Rim and words liberated” (Rizzoli) in dialogue with Valeria Patregnani, head of the Fano Library System. The ‘Chalices of Science’ will continue at the same time in the “L’Uccellin Bel Verde” tea room: with Roberta Censi, professor at the University of Camerino, we will ask ourselves “How much mercury do we eat?” to avoid making mistakes and protect our health. The ‘Fuori Passaggi aMare’ books will once again place great music at the centre: Roberto Paravagna will present his “Quattro ring tra le dita. Life of Ringo Starr” (Arcana editions) in conversation with the president of BeatleSenigallia Paolo Molinelli (Bagni Elsa – Fosso Sejore, 6.30 pm). Don’t miss the meeting in the festival bookshop with Marino Sinibaldi, essayist, radio author, historical voice of Radio3, who will present us the latest issue of the cultural magazine ‘Sotto il Vulcano’ (Giardini Amiani, at 7pm).

The lights on the central stage in Piazza XX Settembre will be turned on at 7.30pm with Agostino Miozzo, former director of Civil Protection and coordinator of the CTS in the Covid emergency, who, as part of the event dedicated to politics and current affairs, will explain to us how to “Protect communities. Preventing and managing disasters” (Ecra) in a conversation with the journalist Antonio Polito and the president of the Marche Region Francesco Acquaroli. The Pincio stage also lights up where the appointment will be with Francesco Costa (at 7.30pm) author of “Frontiera. Because it will be a new American century ”(Mondadori) on which he will converse with the editorial consultant Gianmario Pilo. At the same time, in the former church of San Francesco, the meetings of “The philosopher’s sandals” will open: guest Marco Santambrogio who will talk to us about “Philosophy and history. Seen by a partial philosopher full of prejudices” (La Nave di Teseo) with Armando Massarenti, philosopher, journalist and curator of the exhibition.

The official opening of the XII edition of Passaggi Festival is scheduled on the central stage of Piazza XX Settembre at 8.30 pm with the inauguration ceremony which will see the participation of the civil authorities and institutional representatives of the Municipality of Fano and the Marche Region. Participants will be Luca Serfilippi (mayor of Fano), Francesco Acquaroli (president of the Marche Region), Emanuela Saveria Greco (prefect of Pesaro and Urbino), Alberto Santorelli (councillor for Major Events of the Municipality of Fano), Lucia Tarsi (councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Fano), Daniela Tisi (director of Culture of the Marche Region), Andrea Agostini (president of the Marche Cultura Foundation), Gino Sabatini (president of the Marche Chamber of Commerce), Cesare Carnaroli (president of Passaggi Festival). The journalist Anna Rita Ioni will moderate the meeting.

Following, the first, eagerly awaited event of the “Fuori Passaggi Music&Social” review with the awarding of the Fuori Passaggi Prize to the television and radio host and author Alessandro Cattelan (9:30 pm) for his courageous cultural enterprise: the birth of the publishing house ‘Accento’ which he will talk about on stage with Matteo B. Bianchi (Director of Edizioni Accento) and Gianmario Pilo. The events in the square will continue with another important recognition, the Passaggi Prize 2024 dedicated to those who have distinguished themselves for moral stature and editorial production. Luigi Manconi (10:30 pm) will receive it, a politician and sociologist who has always been committed to the defense of human rights. The author, who will present his books “Poliziotto-Sessantotto. Violenza e democrazia” (Il Saggiatore) and “Di chi è la mia vita?” (Il Nuovo Melangolo), will talk with Marino Sinibaldi.

At Memo the graphic novels of ‘Passaggi tra le cielo’ await us with three meetings from late afternoon to late at night: Marco Stenier (7.30 pm) will present “Corto Maltese and Irene di Boston. The story of an almost impossible appointment” (Cong Edizioni) in conversation with Patrizia Zanotti (Managing Director Cong Edizioni); Enrico Pinto (9.30pm) will talk to us about his “The white screen.” (Coconino Press) and, to follow, Miguel Vila (10.30 pm) will conclude the second day of the event with his “Comfortless” (Canicola). Comics critics Alessio Trabacchini and Virginia Tonfoni will dialogue with the authors on stage.

The second appointment with the books of ‘Fuori Passaggi Music&Social’ will be at the Pincio: the Heterobasiche (10.30 pm) Maria Chiara Cicolani and Valeria De Angelis will present us the “Portrait of a Male” (Einaudi), a novel that outlines an exhilarating phenomenology of the male today’s heterosexual in dialogue with the writer and literary critic Giulia Ciarapica.

In the same time slot we will meet: Antonio Polito protagonist of the review dedicated to history who will present “The builder. De Gasperi’s five lessons to today’s politicians” (Mondadori) with the journalist Alessandra Longo (Chiostro delle Benedettine); Emanuele Felice and Alberto Mingardi for the review “Passages of Economy” who will be on the stage of the San Francesco with Francesca Puglisi, journalist and manager of BolognaFiere, on their “Freedom against freedom. A duel on the open society” (Il Mulino).

The last appointment of the second day of Passaggi Festival will be held late at night: in the context of the “Books that talk about books” review, ‘With the weapons of criticism and poetry’ is scheduled (ex Church of San Francesco, 11.30 pm) the special event that the festival dedicates to the memory of Katia Migliori, poet, writer and teacher whose intense and refined intellectual career will be honored by Tiziana Mattioli of the University of Urbino and by Federica Savini, publisher of Aras Edizioni. The initiative is enriched by the presentation of the book “The sister of the dream” (Luca Sossella Editore) by the poet and literary critic Gianni d’Elia and the preview of the text “30 years of Mario Luzi in Montemaggiore. Homage to Katia Migliori” (Conte Camillo Edizioni) edited by Mirco Giulietti. The journalist Alberto Pancrazi will moderate the meeting. Finally, the exhibitions “A reading in the clouds” (Memo), “Fotografano” (Caffè Centrale and CentralEdicola) “Tito Chini. The solar ideal of Aielli Stazione” (Gasparelli Gallery).

Passaggi Festival is promoted and organized by the Passaggi Cultura association in collaboration with Librerie.Coop and supported by the Municipality of Fano, the Marche Region and the Marche Chamber of Commerce. The festival events are free. Full program and any updates on the Passaggifestival.it website.

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