“They insulted him while he was dying”

Premeditated murder? The doubt that the end of Christopher Thomasthe sixteen-year-old from the province of Pescara who died on Sunday in the Baden Powell park, was planned down to the details seems to convince the investigators of the Pescara flying squad. In support of this hypothesistechnically being examined by the juvenile prosecutor’s office, there is actually a backpack.

A bag with the personal effects of Flavio, as we will call the first accused of the murder of his peer and son of a lawyer from Pescara. One of the privileged witnesses of the evening, a teenager from the group, talks about it with the officers: «I remember that Flavio changed, he had a change of clothes behind him in a backpack. I remember he had a black T-shirt on and then he put on a black tank top of the same color.”

Flavius ​​therefore could have meditated the crime, a circumstance which, alone, would be more than sufficient to worsen his position. A murder whose motive is to be traced back to debt of two hundred euros contracted by the victim, to which Flavio had previously sold hashish.

The trigger of the attack

However, other aspects also come together in the arrest decree of the juvenile court, such as, for example, the trigger of the actual aggression on the part of Flavio and his friend who we will call Luca, son of a carabinieri marshal. But what really happened that evening? We read, in the prologue of the events reconstructed by a boy in the group: «We met Christopher and Flavio wanted to call a friend of Christopher’s so that he could bring him the money. Flavio told Christopher that it had become a matter of respect. We went near the silos to talk and Christopher asked Flavio why he brought his henchmen with him.”

Already here, in these few sentences, there is the (disheartening) fresco of a world in which respect is worth the life of a peer, simply for two hundred euros owed. However, it is a world in which there is room, at least in extremis, for a modicum of awareness. One of the group, the son of a colonel in the Carabinieri, is convinced to tell his father who will report it.

«Christopher was bleeding»

His story is the heart of the reconstruction carried out by police officers: «This afternoon (last Sunday, ed.) around 4.30 pm I found myself at Pescara station with my friends… The intent was to go to the seaside but also to talk to Christopher Luciani who owed 200/300 euros to Flavio.” Here is the argument between the victim and his stabber: «While Flavio was walking, already inside the park, he showed us that he was holding a knife. When I reached the point of view that allowed me to see the position in which Flavio and Christopher were, I saw the latter on the ground losing blood.”

Flavio and Luca don’t stop: «Flavio continued to swing his knife at Christopher lying on the ground and moaning… at a certain point Luca also took the knife from Flavio’s hands with which he stabbed Christopher several times. who continued to moan, making a death sound.”

«Afterwards we went for a swim»

Here, death is a fait accompli. The boys saw her arrive on a summer afternoon when routine even defeats dismay: «Despite what happened we went to the seaside to swim, on the beach of the establishment». He, the young man who tells all this, defines himself as “dazed” at that point: «I realized that it wasn’t something I could keep to myself…» and in fact he tells his father about what he saw, up to the gesture with which he gets rid of the weapon. The knife wrapped “in Luca’s blood-soaked sock” thrown onto the rocks.

The tears of the family

While the investigation continues Christopher’s family cries dignified tears: «He wasn’t a drug addict and he wasn’t a drug addict – says his grandmother Olga Cipriano from her jewelery shop in Rosciano – until two years ago when he was in middle school, no problems. The difficulties began in high school…” Christopher now lived in a community where they had given him a job, he was an apprentice hairdresser. But he had already escaped from that community on Friday evening. Added to Olga’s voice is that of her brother Sergio, Christopher’s uncle, careful not to hurt his feelings: «One raises children with all the attention in the world and then in a couple of years for some wrong encounter…Being a parent it’s difficult”.

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