Ballot, 7 to 5 for the center-left which takes the regional capitals

The electoral count in Bari – Photogram

The run-offs for the local elections are a success for the centre-left, which wins in the five regional capitals still in contention after taking Cagliari in the first round. Muscular tests in Florence, in Potenza and above all in Bari, where the wide field, despite the investigations and internal disagreements, broke through the 70% threshold. Clear success also in Perugia, after a first round that ended in a photo finish, and in Campobasso. While the majority coalition can console itself with Lecce, Rovigo and Caltanissetta, all three wrested from their opponents. Also considering the vote of 8 and 9 June, the progressive front (in its various variants) will administer 17 provincial capitals against the 10 of the center-right (2 will be led by civic leaders). Better than the previous round, which ended 13 to 12, especially because in 5 cases the others ruled. The negative data (for everyone) is still that of the turnout, which drops drastically compared to the first round and marks 47.71% against 62.83% 15 days ago. In this sense, the performance of Bari is disheartening, where only 37.5% of eligible voters vote.

The centre-left’s exploits can be measured above all in the Apulian capital. Not only for the gap imposed on his opponent by Vito Leccese, who received 70.27% of the votes against 29.73% of Fabio Romito. But also because the newly elected mayor is a direct expression of Antonio Decaro, of whom he was head of cabinet in the Municipality. After the full number of preferences at the European elections, the former mayor offers further demonstration that the judicial investigations in Puglia have not affected his appeal in any way. While the large camp emerges unscathed from the disagreements in the Region and from the farewell of the Five Star Movement to the Emiliano council. A sign that when he serves he is able to regroup and get a result.

The match in Florence was equally sweet, a dream cherished by the centre-right but shattered by the reality of the facts. The stronghold remains unconquered and Sara Funaro, with the dissenting support from Matteo Renzi of the Iv candidate Stefania Saccardi, leads Eike Schmidt by more than 20 points (60.56% -39.44%). Another woman, the first to become mayor of Perugia, gives the strongest emotion. After a rather uncertain outcome in the first round, Vittoria Ferdinandi obtained 52.12% of the votes (very wide field this time), while Margherita Scoccia did not go beyond 47.88%. An excellent viaticum for the October regionals and another historic fort reconquered.


The run-off also strengthens the progressive axis in Potenza, where the coalition, rebuilt in the second round, manages to overturn the initial disadvantage. Vincenzo Telesca obtains the support of the M5s candidate, Pietro Smaldone, and of Francesco Giuzio of Basilicata Possibile and passes with a large advantage (64.92% against 35.08% of Francesco Fanelli). The Lucanian capital returns to the centre-left after 10 years, but a bitter taste remains in the mouth for the missed opportunity in the regional elections in April.

On the opposite side, the most valuable result is that of Lecce, where Adriana Poli Bortone is mayor for the third time after two mandates from 1998 to 2007. The former minister hits the target in a rather tight head-to-head, obtaining 50, 69% of the preferences against 49.31% of Carlo Maria Salvemini, outgoing mayor, supported by the broader version of the opposition alliance. It is the outcome that the majority clings to in order to claim the honor of arms and in the awareness of having achieved success despite the compactness of the opposing front. The Marche region also offers a certain satisfaction, withen plein of the three municipalities voting. The most important victory in Urbino, with the confirmation of the outgoing mayor Maurizio Gambini, in his third term. But there are also Osimo and Recanati, both led until yesterday by the centre-left. Rovigo completes the spoils, with the good success of Valeria Cittadin (58.15% against 41.15% of Edoardo Gaffeo), and Caltanissetta, snatched from the 5 stars by Walter Tesauro.

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