Meeting with Gravina: resignations emerge

Meeting with Gravina: resignations emerge
Meeting with Gravina: resignations emerge

Italy’s defeat at Euro 2024 is still fresh in the minds of Azzurri fans. The atmosphere remains heated and the hypothesis of his resignation also emerges

The adventure at the Europeans dell’ItaliaThe Italian troops completely melted away in the challenge in Berlin against a Switzerland team that was superior in every way and capable of beating the Azzurri with a clear 0-2 overall victory that was without a story.

Buffon Spalletti (LaPresse) –

Too little for Donnarumma and his teammates, unable to react to the Swiss game that dominated far and wide, leaving the entire blue environment with the feeling that more than something just didn’t work. The days immediately following the bitter elimination were in fact rather turbulent between reflections, criticisms and future perspectives all to be explored at all levels: from the technical staff to the players, up to the highest levels of the Federation.

The reflections would have also involved Gigi Buffon, head of the Azzurri delegation, who upon his return to Milan, intercepted by ‘Sky’, had said: “We were unable to take off as we had hoped. We had to take convincing steps and not go in fits and starts as has happened in the last 10 years. The whole group could have done better, as all of us. Even I in my role may have disappointed expectations: everyone takes responsibility for the case”.

Italy, thoughts for Buffon: the situation of the delegation leader

So much disappointment for Buffon himself, who would have also considered a careful reflection on his own work. Today’s edition of ‘Tuttosport’ took stock of the situation, highlighting how the head of the National delegation is reflecting on his first important adventure following the Azzurri, which did not go as hoped.

Buffon (LaPresse) –

There is clearly no ready resignation, but it is not to be excluded that the former goalkeeper decides to step aside. Buffon in fact hardly lets a situation like this go without at least analyzing or questioning himself. The newspaper reveals how the delegation leader confessed to friends that he was disappointed not so much by the elimination but by the methods.

Buffon therefore also reflects on the weight of his work and invites everyone to reflect, which is why it cannot be ruled out that a meeting could be held with Gravina e Shoulder pads. It should also be clarified that the former goalkeeper has not presented any official act of resignation, but he is also having a self-critical discussion about his work.

In this climate of uncertainty, the Italian national team is called upon to restart and put yet another debacle behind them.

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