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The Democratic Party attacks Toti after the meeting with the councilors and asks for his resignation and return to the vote

The Democratic Party attacks Toti after the meeting with the councilors and asks for his resignation and return to the vote
The Democratic Party attacks Toti after the meeting with the councilors and asks for his resignation and return to the vote

“Toti should resign out of respect for the Ligurians.” This is one of the passages of the note released by the Democratic Party after the meeting, authorized by the investigating judge, between the president of the Region under house arrest and three members of the council: Alessandro Piana, Giacomo Giampedrone and Marco Scajola. Toti’s lawyer, Stefano Savi, issued a statement in which the actions carried out by the centre-right are vindicated while the three ‘loyalists’ spoke to the press, confirming their desire to move forward and rejecting the hypothesis of resignation.

Toti, the faithful after the meeting: “No resignation, determined to continue”

Statements that the exponents did not like Dem, who went on the counterattack: “We hoped that the news of the resignation would arrive – states the regional secretary Davide Natale – and instead once again Toti thought about his future, that of the individuals and that of his own political party, putting aside the interests of the citizens. The confirmation of a center-right that does not match words with actions. As for the budget, where it states that it will not put its hands in the pockets of the Ligurians, but has already been doing so for years, given that there are hundreds of Ligurians who spend. more than a thousand euros a year for treatment, others forced to go into debt to do so and others who give up because they cannot afford it and all this is declassified as if it were normal”.

Toti meets the councilors and spreads propaganda from under house arrest: “Liguria Region is a solid and virtuous body”

“An unacceptable situation – according to the regional secretary of the Democratic Party -, as with the LNG terminal. After defining ‘flat earthers’ those who were against the transfer of Golar Tundra to Vado-Savona, now Toti and his men would like us to believe that they never supported that project and that it all depends on Rome. It’s a shame that they are the only ones who are convinced of it, the position of Toti and the center-right that supports it was clear from the start. of a project that jeopardizes companies and risks damaging years of work by administrations, would almost be a comic piece”.

Then the conclusion: “Last but not least, there is a political fact that stands out – Natale said again -: Toti did not feel the need to confront any councilor of the Brothers of Italy, the political force that today it has the greatest consensus among citizens who vote for the centre-right. We are worried – he concludes – because if the times are those envisaged by Toti’s lawyer, Liguria risks getting bogged down, to the detriment of citizens and businesses. We are increasingly convinced that a change of pace is needed: we need to go to the vote as soon as possible, because of the challenges that the Region has faced with these are extraordinarily important and to face them we need a team in full swing not to think of itself but to look at the true good of the Ligurians”.

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