Futsal, earthquake in Serie A: Napoli also takes a stand

Harsh blow from the Presidents of the Serie A futsal clubs towards the League, to which they responded with a strong statement. Here is the document.

Article by SDS Editorial Staff06/24/2024

Today a statement signed by Serie A futsal club it was presented in response to the latest press release from the Lega Calcio a 5 and Napoli also took part in the diplomatic action. Below is the fundamental section of the document.

The statement from the futsal clubs

“The Assembly of Presidents of Serie A Futsal Football wishes to express all its concern about the future prospects of the discipline, particularly in light of the recent positions expressed by the Futsal Football Division itself (with the note of 30 May) regarding the confirmation of obligations to participate in the game (3 not trained in the 2025/26 sports season).
This note, unfortunately, reflects a closed-minded attitude, especially in light of the failure to consider the requests presented by the companies, which will have serious economic repercussions that will add to the already difficult situation we are facing.
While recognizing the importance of maintaining a clear guideline, we cannot ignore how this decision went far beyond the CONI regulations and the principles established by UEFA regarding the integration and mobility of athletes, through the introduction of the “Homegrown player”. It is hardly sustainable that access to sport and work is limited to so many players with Italian passports, especially when they play or have played for national teams. But the most critical element remains that of completely ignoring the cry of alarm launched by companies. This presidency has repeatedly refused dialogue and discussion, when companies only asked to be listened to.
We want to underline how a critical point regarding the reform relating to the limitations on the number of untrained players concerns the method. This reform was imposed, imposed from above, without an in-depth discussion on the methods and times of application and, in fact, it has proven to be counterproductive and will increasingly be so. The costs for the clubs have increased and, contrary to the declared objectives, we have witnessed a clear decline in quality at the high level, with the effect that the competitive dimension of Italian Futsal will continue to worsen, and we see the signs of this with the national team, whose best result in recent years is the European quarter-final in 2016, accompanied by two bitter eliminations from the final phase of the World Cup. The continuous reassurances on economic sustainability by the presidency have not been characterized by concrete strategies to support the companies, leaving the indications devoid of substance. Continuing to talk about sustainability without implementing concrete measures to support societies is simply becoming demagoguery.
We have always shown consistency in rejecting this reform and, unfortunately, we constantly find ourselves requesting those steps that never come. It is paradoxical that the same coherence that is asked of us in not advancing our criticism contrasts with the project presented by the current governance, which envisaged Serie A as the most attractive and marketable “product” for Italian five-a-side football.
The recent reform of sports work has further aggravated the economic difficulties of the clubs, already tested by a difficult context. The market of the few Italian players ready for the high level is characterized by unsustainable economic demands and speculation on the part of (pseudo) agents/proxies.
The FIFA ranking does not reflect the true potential of our Futsal, but we believe it fully reflects the sporting policies of this Presidency.
We therefore ask the Futsal Division to listen to our concerns and consider a review of current policies to ensure greater competitiveness at the top level and greater fairness and consistency between the men’s and women’s championships. The Women’s Serie A excels at an international level, while the technical quality and results of the Men’s Serie A are in sharp decline. It is imperative that our sport reflects the values ​​of inclusiveness and equality, in line with current social expectations towards gender equality.
Current economic conditions do not allow many clubs to guarantee participation in the next championship. It is essential that our current governance acts with rapid and effective decisions, demonstrating support and closeness to the companies it represents.
Ours, we reiterate, is a dissent that the majority of companies will continue to express, extending it to other national categories, until it reaches the institutional headquarters.

In a constantly evolving world, where sport is increasingly a vehicle of values ​​and an economic engine, we cannot afford to be left behind. Serie A and national five-a-side football in general must become a model of excellence, an example of how modern sports management can combine passion, performance and economic progress.
We need closeness, attention and solidarity from governance more than ever. Without concrete growth strategies, five-a-side football will remain immobile and paralyzed. Then which five-a-side football clubs will be able to afford to move forward?
We need a project, present and future, based on sustainability, competitiveness, growth and entertainment but above all solidarity, support and closeness to the companies that with great courage face the difficulties in managing the reality of amateur sport, without any concrete economic and moral help .

Our President must love Italian futsal in order to adapt it to current times and not leave it stagnant or, worse, lead it towards an irreversible decline. For this reason he must identify with the daily difficulties of societies, guaranteeing them the necessary support.
We assure you that our passion is still alive: we are aware that it is us, all the national 5-a-side football clubs, the 5-a-side Football Division!

Long live Italian futsal!”

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