he is the first purchase of Salerno Basket ’92 for the Serie A2

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It’s Camila Kirschenbaum the first purchase on the market of Salerno Basket ’92 in view of the next A2 championship. Uruguayan guard born in 2002, he is fresh from his experience with the Posaclima Ponzano Basket, with whom she played in the last women’s second series tournament. The new Granatina has a community passport thanks to her German origins on her father’s side and Italian origins – specifically from Potenza – on her mother’s family.

“I am very happy to be able to embark on this new adventure. I know that last year was wonderful for Salerno, because we got promoted with only positive results. I imagine that together with the club, staff and my future teammates we will have to try to do everything possible to have a good season in A2 too. For me it is an important opportunity”, he said Kirschenbaum, currently on holiday in his Montevideo. He will be in Italy at the beginning of September, after playing with his national team at the South American championships from 29 August to 5 September, the very day he will blow out 22 candles. The approaching experience in Salerno will be a nice gift. “I want to give everything I have learned in recent years. Last year was very positive for me, as a person and player I grew a lot. The Italian basketball level is higher than Uruguay, there are many very strong teams and players. Training also has a higher rate of competition and this has helped me improve. – aggiunge Kirschenbaum – I like to attack the iron, go one-on-one. I think I’ve also improved in shooting but, if I can choose, I like to assist my teammates. The goals? Salerno will have to face the season calmly. We need to start with the basic things but done well. Step by step, we can do more and more and the results will surely come. The psychological part will be important, we mustn’t get discouraged if there are some obstacles. It will be essential to always be united and I think this group already is. I saw many photos and videos after the last match, you can feel an almost familiar relationship between players and staff, a very important factor”.

In his homeland, Kirschenbaum wore the jerseys of Bohemians e Defensor Sporting. In 2019 it landed in Spain, first at Rivas and then to the Matarò. After the interruption due to the Covid pandemic, the training experience in the United States in al Binghamton College which preceded a fleeting return to her homeland in Aguada until October 2023, when she moved to Ponzano. “I spoke to people who have visited Salerno and they told me it is beautiful. I saw photos of the city: the sea, the beaches, I’m happy to land in such a beautiful place. – the athlete’s comment – I spoke with the sports director De Sio, I know that my agent did the same with the coach and the president. I perceived that there is a right festive atmosphere these days and it is right, I can’t wait to be there. First, however, I will have the commitment with my Uruguay: it is always a source of pride to play for your national team, where you reap the fruits of daily work”.

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