the poll plan to convince him

the poll plan to convince him
the poll plan to convince him

After TV duel on the evening of Thursday 27 June the president Joe Biden attack the challenger Donald Trump: “I didn’t have a great night, but neither did he.” Biden reiterated that the former president is “a real threat” which “will destroy the democracy“, but Democrats are pushing for a withdraw of Potus from the electoral race for the White House in view of November. Campaign sources indicate that it might consider the hypothesis only in the event of surveys really negative, even if there is no real plan for the successor (or even a real successor).

Joe Biden attacks Trump after the TV duel: “A threat to democracy”

The President of the United States Joe Biden he attacked his opponent hard Donald Trump after the disastrous television duel on Thursday 27 June: “A real threat to democracy”.

During the event organized in New York for a fundraiser, Biden commented on his performance against the Republican challenger and former US president: “I didn’t have a great night, but neither did he.”

Photo source: ANSA

In Miami, a Donald Trump supporter watches the debate between the two candidates for the presidency of the United States

“Donald Trump is real threat“, reiterated the president. “Trump will destroy democracy, I will defend it.”

Democrats’ poll plan for withdrawal from candidacy

Although there is no real piano for a possible successor, the Democrats are pushing for him to withdraw from the presidential candidacy in November, perhaps following surveys particularly negative.

As reported Adnkronoswhich cites the Cnna figure linked to the Biden campaign says that the Potus could consider stepping back only if the data showed dangers for the votes in the House and Senate.

Democrats commissioned polls over the weekend, with results due next week. “The party is in the hands of President Biden, who deserves our respect for whatever he decides,” the source said.

Biden’s Replacement Unlikely

As far as it is technically possible a replacement running for Biden, in case he does not decide to withdraw himself a replacement would be highly unlikely.

On the way to the official nomination, Biden accumulated a total of 3,894 delegates for the August 7 convention, out of a total of 3,934.

The officially nominated candidate is the one who will receive the votes of the majority absolute, or at least 1,968, which Biden would almost certainly get.

Even if he decided to retreatdelegates would be free to vote for other candidates and wide divisions would open up reflecting fractures within the party, among which major consultations would begin.

Possible albeit unlikely alternative candidates they are primarily Vice President Kamala Harris, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, as well as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg , Senator Amy Klobucha and Senator Cory Booker.

The day after the debate, Friday 18 June, theeditorial board of the New York Times had written a editorial in which he asked Biden to withdraw from the race for the White House.

Photo source: ANSA

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