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Toti’s political meeting in Ameglia: regional councilors participate

Toti’s political meeting in Ameglia: regional councilors participate
Toti’s political meeting in Ameglia: regional councilors participate
Giovanni Toti and Alessandro Piana (fb archive photo)

Today, Monday 24 June, Giovanni Toti’s first political meeting with some local councilors from Liguria will be held in Ameglia, in the La Spezia area.

After the authorization granted by the investigating judge with the favorable opinion of the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office, Toti will receive the interim president of the Liguria Region, Alessandro Piana, and the councilors Giacomo Giampedrone and Marco Scajola in his home.

Toti’s lawyer, Stefano Savi, will also be present at the talks, while the presence of the Guardia di Finanza is expected outside the villa.

For Toti, under house arrest since May 7th, this is the opportunity to meet part of his team in the Region.

Piana, in addition to being interim president, is also councilor for Agriculture and Marketing and Territorial Promotion. Giampedrone is responsible for Civil Protection, Public Works and Infrastructure and Roads, while Scajola deals with Relations with the Council, Urban Planning, Territorial Planning, Housing Policies and Construction.

There are three authorized meetings, each lasting a maximum of three hours. After today’s first meeting, two other meetings will follow, the dates of which have not yet been established.

In these subsequent meetings, Toti will meet the three Ligurian coordinators and secretaries of the parties who supported him: Edoardo Rixi (Lega), Matteo Rosso (Fratelli d’Italia) and Carlo Bagnasco (Forza Italia).

Furthermore, Toti will have a meeting with the representatives of Noi Moderati, the leader Maurizio Lupi and the deputy Pino Bicchielli.

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