Child in coma after car accident with drunk man: parents speak out – Turin News

Mother Roberta, with a fractured shoulder and her arm in a sling, spent the whole night on the chairs in the intensive care unit of Regina Margherita. Dad Mauro arrived in the afternoon with a collar and bandages, when he was discharged from the Chivasso hospital. And the first thought was to run to her child, who at just 10 years old is in a coma after being injured in the serious road accident that occurred last night on the A4 Turin-Milan motorway. And he has no idea that the driver of the other car, a 40-year-old from Tronzano Vercellese, has been reported for drunk driving and road injuries: “We haven’t spoken to him and we don’t care, what matters to us is that our son recovers” repeat several times the parents, residing in the village of Varisella, in the province of Turin.

Mom and dad, outside the intensive care unit of the pediatric hospital, still have in their minds the moments of terror they experienced on board their Volkswagen Up: «We were returning from Gigi D’Agostino’s concert – recalls the lady, 50 years old – It was a gift for all three of us, we are passionate and we had a lot of fun. Upon returning to the car, as often happens, the child and I dozed off. Then, around 3, near Borgo d’Ale, we were rear-ended by this BMW 116″. Her 54-year-old husband intervenes: «I saw the headlights getting bigger and bigger and coming at us. The problem is that, with such a small car, she immediately took the back seat, where my son was. Luckily he had a seatbelt.”

The collision was devastating and the little boy was trapped between the sheets of the car, which was practically destroyed: «We turned around and ended up against the guard rail – Roberta continues – I found myself without shoes, my husband was dazed and the child complained of pain.”
The firefighters of the Livorno Ferraris detachment and the Santhià volunteer detachment immediately intervened on the scene, extracting the boy from the cockpit and handing him over to the care of the 118 doctors of Santhià and Alice Castello. After being stabilized, the child was transported by helicopter to Regina Margherita, where he is hospitalized in the intensive care unit: «Today he will be operated on for a fractured femur and two other small skull fractures. Now he is sedated, we will see how he will be when he wakes up »reflects the mother. The prognosis is reserved: «he is stable but I will only be calm when I see him again at home».

Passionate about football and piano, the child has just finished fifth grade and will turn 11 in August: «We are sorry that the gift of the promotion was this accident – the parents roll their eyes – Now we just hope that he recovers and that we can forget what happened to us.”

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