Olbia towards restart from Excellence thanks to the title of San Teodoro

Olbia towards restart from Excellence thanks to the title of San Teodoro
Olbia towards restart from Excellence thanks to the title of San Teodoro
Guido Surace in the press room of Nespoli in Olbia

02/07/2024 16:13

New chapter in the Olbia Football soap opera. While on the one hand it seems increasingly difficult for the Swiss-led management formed by Swiss Pro Promotion – composed of the president Guido Surace, Benno Raeber and company – manage to pay the now famous back payments from March to June of the employees (sports and otherwise) of the Gallura club by next July 10, the last date to be able to then think about the registration of the Gallura team in Serie Dan increasingly realistic hypothesis is emerging for the “rescue” of the sporting future.

At sunset the Felleca plan

As for the negotiation between Roberto Felleca and Swiss Proafter the last few weeks in which confidence in a white smoke had drastically dropped, now we have practically reached a breaking point. The object of contention, once again, is the management of the federal debt repayment (estimated at 350-400 thousand euros), which the entrepreneur from Selargino has always said he did not want to take on, unlike the requests of Surace and Räber. In the meantime, the company’s employees have been waiting for months for their back wages, without ever having received updates or positive feedback in this regard. A situation that has alarmed the same Felleca who, while showing willingness to collaborate with the current Olbia management board, will not make any move in the absence of certification of the debt repayment. A condition that suggests, eight days before the federal deadline, that the white smoke may not arrive. There will still be contacts in the next few hours between the parties but at this time there is no confidence in a continuation of the negotiation that until a few days ago seemed the only one capable of restarting the whites at least from Serie D.

The realistic plan: the acquisition of the San Teodoro title

If this were to be the natural evolution of the story, however, Plan B would already be ready. According to what has been reconstructed by our Editorial Staff the mayor of Olbia Settimo Nizzi, worried about the evolution of the situation in which the whites have been for months and without real guarantees for the continuation of the activity of the club chaired by Surace, he would have decided to break the hesitation. The mayor would have sounded out the availability of the management of the San Teodoro-Porto Rotondoa team that plays in Eccellenza, to give up its sporting title to a new “Olbia”. This would happen by keeping the current figures in management starting with Ezio Mauro Setzi, former city councilor in Olbia and close to Nizzi himself (both in Forza Italia), plus a series of some local entrepreneurs willing to intervene to give a hand to the new company, ready to start again from Eccellenza in the event of an increasingly probable bankruptcy of the current club on via Georgia. The New Olbia would thus lose two categories but would be able to start again with momentum to try to recover professionalism within a few years, without necessarily having to start again from the first or second category. And many of the sponsors of this year’s C season have already let the former San Teodoro board know that they would also remain in Excellence. Also because the team will play at Nespoli. This plan B is in fact what is being defined in these hours in Gallura and barring any surprises Olbia will start again from the Eccellenza thanks to the help of San Teodoro-Porto Rotondo.

Roberto Pinna – Francesco Aresu

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