Andisu National Council: Innovation and Participation at the Center of the Palermo Meeting

Andisu National Council: Innovation and Participation at the Center of the Palermo Meeting
Andisu National Council: Innovation and Participation at the Center of the Palermo Meeting

Palermo. The Andisu National Council, which took place on 1 and 2 July 2024, ended today in Palermo. The event saw the participation of representatives and delegates from all regions of Italy, in a context of broad territorial participation and exchange of experiences from north to south.

President Andisu, Alessandro Ciro Scirettiunderlined the importance of this meeting, declaring: “The criterion of broad territorial participation and exchange of experiences throughout the territory is affirmed. The awareness and the will to relaunch the right to university education in Italy are crucial. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of all the regions is essential to overcome obstacles, in a now daily logic of working without barriers and beyond limits.”

Among the topics discussed during the Council, particular attention was given to university housing. On July 1st, a workshop was held with the participation of the national management of the Ministry of University, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, and the 39 organizations for the right to university education in Italy, discussing strategies and solutions to improve the housing offer for students within the financial measures provided for by Law 481/2024 which allocates 1.2 billion euros for the creation of 60 thousand new university housing by 2026.

Another important topic was that of digital medicine as preventive medicine for university students. The Fomed Foundation, in collaboration with Ersu Palermo and Ersu Messina, illustrated this morning the potential and benefits of these innovative technologies for student health through a specific project (Coach project).

During the Council held this morning, the importance of facing and overcoming challenges emerged, starting from the continuous comparison between organizations for the DSU. “Overcoming and finding solutions, facing challenges also starting from the comparison and continuous training is fundamental,” continued President Sciretti. “In this way, colleagues from all over Italy compare and develop themes with the support of experts, promoting mutual enrichment. And the workshops represent a dynamic tool for growth and innovation,” concluded Sciretti.

The meeting in Palermo represented a significant moment to strengthen collaboration between the different regional entities, share experiences and identify common solutions for the improvement of the Italian DSU. The Andisu National Council continues to represent a fundamental point of reference for all those who work in the sector, promoting a culture of cooperation and constant growth.

ANDISU expresses special thanks to the president of the ARS, Gaetano Galvagnofor the hospitality, and to the Sicilian Ersu, in particular to the Ersu of Palermo and its president Margherita Rizzafor the logistical organization which also allowed moments to learn about art and culture in Sicily.

Com. Stam. + photo

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