The 50th Social Week of Italian Catholics in Trieste

The 50th Social Week of Italian Catholics in Trieste
The 50th Social Week of Italian Catholics in Trieste

Trentino will also be well represented at the 50th Social Week of Italian Catholicshosted this year at Trieste. The works, on the theme “At the heart of democracy. Participating between history and future“, are officially opened in the afternoon of Wednesday, July 3rd in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Sunday 7th the visit of Pope francesco: will meet the participants of the event and celebrate the Holy Mass in Piazza Unità d’Italia.

In Trieste, among the 900 conference attendees there is a delegation of the Diocese of Trento led by theArchbishop Lauro Tisi. With him the heads of the Testimony and Social Commitment Area don Mauro Leonardelli and the Announcement Area Father Mattia Vanzothe teacher Michael Dossi and two young people: Alessia Floriani ed Elisa Lunardelli.

The mornings will be dedicated to in-depth meetings and reflections on the two key words “democracy” e “participation“; afternoons spent learning about the “good practice” coming from all over Italy: among these also the territory of Fiemme Valleywith its examples of happy conciliation between development, innovation and sustainability. The valley will be represented, in particular, by the consortium “Fiemme Per”, led by Scario Mauro Gilmozzi.

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