Confindustria. 7th Itinerant Meeting of Manufacturing at Idinamic Italia

Confindustria. 7th Itinerant Meeting of Manufacturing at Idinamic Italia
Confindustria. 7th Itinerant Meeting of Manufacturing at Idinamic Italia


The seventh itinerant meeting of the Manufacturing, Plant Engineering and Mechatronics Section focused on “IOT and Intelligent Sensors applied to maintenance” is scheduled for next July 4th, starting at 10 am at the IDINAMIC ITALIA headquarters in Pietrelcina.

The initiative aims to strengthen the network of companies belonging to the Confindustria network by promoting knowledge and sealing their links with the fundamental pieces of the territory.
The meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the opportunities for accessing the services of the Regional Center for Advanced Digital Innovation (PRIDE), of which Confindustria Benevento is an affiliated entity.

The proceedings, after greetings from the vice-president of Confindustria Benevento and host of the morning, Claudio Monteforte, will be opened by the Coordinator of Edih PRIDE, Edoardo Imperiale, CEO Campania dih and by the Director of Confindustria Benevento, Anna Pezza, who will illustrate the role of PRIDE and the services that companies can access.

After the technical interventions, the President of the Plant Manufacturing and Mechatronics Section Davide De Pasquale, will coordinate a moment of debate with the presentation of business scenarios and real experiences of using advanced sensors.

The following companies are expected to participate: Cosmind srl; Idnamic Italia srl, Matter Economy srl; EasyVia srl, Offtec srl.

Sensors are an increasingly central technology in production processes and in product quality control throughout all phases of its life. The importance of using sensors combined with IoT is linked to process monitoring, with the aim of optimizing them and reducing costs, but not only. IoT and the use of sensors are therefore two fundamental elements for taking advantage of data, for streamlining processes, reducing waste and internal costs.

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