Ballot elections in Nonantola and Mirandola. Whoever exceeds 50 percent wins

Ballot elections in Nonantola and Mirandola. Whoever exceeds 50 percent wins
Ballot elections in Nonantola and Mirandola. Whoever exceeds 50 percent wins

From this morning at 7.00 the countdown begins which, tomorrow afternoon, will make it possible to know who the mayors of Mirandola will be, which comes out of a Northern League administration, and Nonantola, which has always been firmly in the hands of the Democratic Party. After that in the electoral round of 8 and 9 June none of the four mayoral candidates who presented themselves in each of these municipalities had exceeded the 50% threshold, the word had to go back to the voters for the run-off between the two most voted.

In Mirandola, 18,976 voters are called to vote distributed among the 22 polling stations set up, while in Nonantola there are 12,905 eligible voters, divided into 14 electoral sections present in the area. In Mirandola they will face the center-left candidate Carlo Bassoli, who after the alliance filed last Sunday with the third-placed “+ Mirandola” civic list, led by Giorgio Siena (12.74%), now finds himself supported by 5 lists (Pd, “Per Mirandola con Stefano Toscani”, Azione con Calenda Mirandola, Sinistra Civica Mirandola e + Mirandola), and the centre-right opponent Letizia Budri, who enjoys the support of the four lists made up of “Letizia Budri mayor”, Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia. On 8 and 9 June it ended with Budri’s advantage, reaching 45%, prevailing over his opponent, who instead stopped at 38.21%, trailing by 774 votes, which could now however be filled by the contribution of 1,452 votes collected by Siena. The 5 Star Movement, which had created a fourth list, led by Giorgio Cavazza, left freedom of conscience to its voters. In Nonantola the unexpected run-off instead pits Tiziana Baccolini, centre-left candidate, against centre-right candidate Monica Contursi. Two weeks ago it ended that Baccolini, mayoral candidate supported by the Pd and “Nonantola Viva” lists, had collected a flattering 45.82%, trailing her direct opponent Monica Contursi, supported by Fratelli d’Italia, by more than 20 points, ” Nonantola at the centre/Contursi mayor” and by “Noi di Nonantola”, coming second, which stopped at 25.78%. Excluded from the comparison are Cinzia Vaccari (18.19%), supported by two left-wing lists, “Il futuro ora” and “Nonantola Progetto 2030”, and Barbara Guerzoni (10.21%), five-star candidate, who have both now appealed for a vote that “stops the right”.

We remind you that this time we will vote today from 7am to 11pm and tomorrow from 7am to 3pm. It will not be possible to write preferences and only the name of the chosen mayoral candidate will have to be crossed out, under which the emblems of the supporting lists appear. The count will be immediate.

Alberto Greco

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