Overdose, death at Miralfiore. A 44 year old found dead. Police hunting for the pusher

Overdose, death at Miralfiore. A 44 year old found dead. Police hunting for the pusher
Overdose, death at Miralfiore. A 44 year old found dead. Police hunting for the pusher

He was 44 years old and had been a drug addict for a long time. His name was Stefano A. and he was from Pesaro. They found him dead yesterday late morning in Miralfiore park, near a grove. A hole was found in one of his arms. Not far from him was a person who called the police saying he had discovered an unresponsive person. Upon the arrival of the police and 118, the health workers confirmed the death due to an alleged overdose. The investigations aim to find out who may have sold the dose of heroin to the 44-year-old and whether there was someone around him who in some way facilitated the fatal injection.

To trace the drug dealer and other possible witnesses to the tragedy, the police combed through all the images recorded by the park’s cameras to give a name to the drug dealers. Which, despite the increase in containment measures, are not few. The alleged overdose occurred in the park on the Via Cimarosa side where it is presumably easier to hide from the eyes of the cameras and officers usually on duty at the park. Right there must have been the sale of the deadly dose, purchased by the 44-year-old who already had a debilitated body from years of drug addiction. Taking the last dose, perhaps too much for his body, left him no escape.

Unfortunately, many corners of Miralfiore park are still haunted by sellers of death who know how to offer all types of drugs despite last year’s raids against Nigerian clans who competed for the drug dealing spot. Which apparently never stopped working.

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